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jonas.smedegaardT455: ibus input doesn't work on terminology
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 06:30
jonas.smedegaardT472: Update Nautilus
jonas.smedegaard claimed this task. 
May 27 2021, 06:29
jonas.smedegaardT472: Update Nautilus
jonas.smedegaard closed this task as Resolved. 
May 27 2021, 06:29
jonas.smedegaardT472: Update Nautilus
jonas.smedegaard added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 06:29
jonas.smedegaardT473: PureOs installation : Boost.Python error in job "bootloader".
jonas.smedegaard assigned this task to mak. 
May 27 2021, 06:28
jonas.smedegaardT473: PureOs installation : Boost.Python error in job "bootloader".
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 06:28
jonas.smedegaardT479: PureOS 8 beta Librem15: Randomly logged out of session
jonas.smedegaard closed this task as Resolved. 
May 27 2021, 06:26
jonas.smedegaardT479: PureOS 8 beta Librem15: Randomly logged out of session
jonas.smedegaard added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 06:26
jonas.smedegaardT479: PureOS 8 beta Librem15: Randomly logged out of session
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: jonas.smedegaard. 
May 27 2021, 06:26
jonas.smedegaardT479: PureOS 8 beta Librem15: Randomly logged out of session
jonas.smedegaard claimed this task. 
May 27 2021, 06:26
jonas.smedegaardT483: Nautilus / Nemo issue
jonas.smedegaard closed this task as Invalid. 
May 27 2021, 06:25
jonas.smedegaardT483: Nautilus / Nemo issue
jonas.smedegaard added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 06:25
jonas.smedegaardT483: Nautilus / Nemo issue
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: jonas.smedegaard. 
May 27 2021, 06:25
jonas.smedegaardT357: Thunderbird fails to import .csv or .vcf files
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 06:24
jonas.smedegaardT353: Thunderbird needs list of apps to open file, not home folder to begin search
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 06:23
jonas.smedegaardT352: Software reports that Blender fails to install, but is in fact installed.
jonas.smedegaard closed this task as Invalid. 
May 27 2021, 06:22
jonas.smedegaardT352: Software reports that Blender fails to install, but is in fact installed.
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: jonas.smedegaard. 
May 27 2021, 06:22
jonas.smedegaardT352: Software reports that Blender fails to install, but is in fact installed.
jonas.smedegaard added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 06:22
jonas.smedegaardT458: Change tilix defaults
jonas.smedegaard removed chris.lamb as the assignee of this task. 
May 27 2021, 06:15
jonas.smedegaardT570: Package OpenQA for Debian
jonas.smedegaard removed chris.lamb as the assignee of this task. 
May 27 2021, 06:15
jonas.smedegaardT615: Make PureOS reproducible
jonas.smedegaard removed chris.lamb as the assignee of this task. 
May 27 2021, 06:14
jonas.smedegaardT617: Make PureOS ISO reproducible
jonas.smedegaard removed chris.lamb as the assignee of this task. 
May 27 2021, 06:14
jonas.smedegaardT618: Permit external verification of reproducibility status
jonas.smedegaard removed chris.lamb as the assignee of this task. 
May 27 2021, 06:14
jonas.smedegaardT648: Calculate reproducibility status of "default" packages
jonas.smedegaard removed chris.lamb as the assignee of this task. 
May 27 2021, 06:14
jonas.smedegaardT364: Set Software or Software Install as default for .deb and other file extensions for third party apps.
jonas.smedegaard removed chris.lamb as the assignee of this task. 
May 27 2021, 06:14
jonas.smedegaardT438: Don't print user-unfriendly luks key at unlock prompt
jonas.smedegaard removed chris.lamb as the assignee of this task. 
May 27 2021, 06:13
jonas.smedegaardT569: OpenQA testing of PureOS
jonas.smedegaard removed chris.lamb as the assignee of this task. 
May 27 2021, 06:13
jonas.smedegaardT257: GDebi will install from Software but not launch
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: chris.lamb. 
May 27 2021, 06:13
jonas.smedegaardT257: GDebi will install from Software but not launch
jonas.smedegaard removed chris.lamb as the assignee of this task. 
May 27 2021, 06:13
jonas.smedegaardT481: Look into fingerprint reader capability
jonas.smedegaard removed james.rufer as the assignee of this task. 
May 27 2021, 06:11
jonas.smedegaardT341: German Keyboard
jonas.smedegaard removed zlatan.todoric as the assignee of this task. 
May 27 2021, 06:10
jonas.smedegaardT341: German Keyboard
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as High priority. 
May 27 2021, 06:10
jonas.smedegaardT341: German Keyboard
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: zlatan.todoric. 
May 27 2021, 06:10
jonas.smedegaardT319: DNS settings are not being updated after switching wifi networks
jonas.smedegaard removed zlatan.todoric as the assignee of this task. 
May 27 2021, 06:10
jonas.smedegaardT319: DNS settings are not being updated after switching wifi networks
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 06:10
jonas.smedegaardT316: import gpg key in evolution is not a drop-down or default action for .asc files
jonas.smedegaard removed zlatan.todoric as the assignee of this task. 
May 27 2021, 06:09
jonas.smedegaardT316: import gpg key in evolution is not a drop-down or default action for .asc files
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 06:09
jonas.smedegaardT316: import gpg key in evolution is not a drop-down or default action for .asc files
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: zlatan.todoric. 
May 27 2021, 06:09
jonas.smedegaardT309: VPN should be 'on' after switching WiFi networks
jonas.smedegaard removed zlatan.todoric as the assignee of this task. 
May 27 2021, 06:08
jonas.smedegaardT309: VPN should be 'on' after switching WiFi networks
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 06:08
jonas.smedegaardT309: VPN should be 'on' after switching WiFi networks
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: zlatan.todoric. 
May 27 2021, 06:08
jonas.smedegaardT260: GNOME Software says "Restart and Update", terminal apt dist-upgrade doesn't require a reboot...
jonas.smedegaard removed zlatan.todoric as the assignee of this task. 
May 27 2021, 06:04
jonas.smedegaardT260: GNOME Software says "Restart and Update", terminal apt dist-upgrade doesn't require a reboot...
jonas.smedegaard closed this task as Wontfix. 
May 27 2021, 06:04
jonas.smedegaardT260: GNOME Software says "Restart and Update", terminal apt dist-upgrade doesn't require a reboot...
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: zlatan.todoric. 
May 27 2021, 06:04
jonas.smedegaardT109: new: invent virtualizing on top of the seL4/NOVA microkernel, either using CAmkES or as a Genode virtualization component
jonas.smedegaard renamed this task from Thinking out of the box for systems security here :) What if we could increase security of PureOS by virtualizing it on top of the seL4/NOVA microkernel, either using CAmkES or as a Genode virtualization component? to new: invent virtualizing on top of the seL4/NOVA microkernel, either using CAmkES or as a Genode virtualization component. 
May 27 2021, 06:03
jonas.smedegaardT109: new: invent virtualizing on top of the seL4/NOVA microkernel, either using CAmkES or as a Genode virtualization component
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Wishlist priority. 
May 27 2021, 06:02
jonas.smedegaardT109: new: invent virtualizing on top of the seL4/NOVA microkernel, either using CAmkES or as a Genode virtualization component
jonas.smedegaard removed zlatan.todoric as the assignee of this task. 
May 27 2021, 06:02
jonas.smedegaardT67: new: gnome-shell-extension-lock-keys: GNOME Shell lock keys extension
jonas.smedegaard renamed this task from Install and enable the GNOME Shell lock keys extension by default to new: gnome-shell-extension-lock-keys: GNOME Shell lock keys extension. 
May 27 2021, 05:59
jonas.smedegaardT67: new: gnome-shell-extension-lock-keys: GNOME Shell lock keys extension
jonas.smedegaard removed zlatan.todoric as the assignee of this task. 
May 27 2021, 05:58
jonas.smedegaardT67: new: gnome-shell-extension-lock-keys: GNOME Shell lock keys extension
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Wishlist priority. 
May 27 2021, 05:58
jonas.smedegaardT67: new: gnome-shell-extension-lock-keys: GNOME Shell lock keys extension
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: zlatan.todoric. 
May 27 2021, 05:58
jonas.smedegaardT528: Can not lock screen in GNOME
jonas.smedegaard removed zlatan.todoric as the assignee of this task. 
May 27 2021, 05:56
jonas.smedegaardT50: Protect against poisontap (unrecognized USB network devices)
jonas.smedegaard removed zlatan.todoric as the assignee of this task. 
May 27 2021, 05:55
jonas.smedegaardT50: Protect against poisontap (unrecognized USB network devices)
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: zlatan.todoric. 
May 27 2021, 05:55
jonas.smedegaardT512: gnome-tweaks: "Applications" and "Activities" names from top bar did not appear after enable "Applications menu" extension
jonas.smedegaard removed zlatan.todoric as the assignee of this task. 
May 27 2021, 05:54
jonas.smedegaardT512: gnome-tweaks: "Applications" and "Activities" names from top bar did not appear after enable "Applications menu" extension
jonas.smedegaard renamed this task from "Applications" and "Activities" names from top bar did not appear after enable "Applications menu" extension on "tweaks" application from GNOME to gnome-tweaks: "Applications" and "Activities" names from top bar did not appear after enable "Applications menu" extension. 
May 27 2021, 05:54
jonas.smedegaardT512: gnome-tweaks: "Applications" and "Activities" names from top bar did not appear after enable "Applications menu" extension
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: zlatan.todoric. 
May 27 2021, 05:54
jonas.smedegaardT329: Backslash key IssueMay 27 2021, 05:37
jonas.smedegaardT329: Backslash key Issue
jonas.smedegaard removed zlatan.todoric as the assignee of this task. 
May 27 2021, 05:37
jonas.smedegaardT329: Backslash key Issue
jonas.smedegaard added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 05:37
jonas.smedegaardT329: Backslash key Issue
jonas.smedegaard closed this task as Invalid. 
May 27 2021, 05:37
jonas.smedegaardT478: Attempted to launch Settings and was presented with and error "can not launch Settings. Failed to allocate memory."
jonas.smedegaard removed zlatan.todoric as the assignee of this task. 
May 27 2021, 05:35
jonas.smedegaardT478: Attempted to launch Settings and was presented with and error "can not launch Settings. Failed to allocate memory."May 27 2021, 05:35
jonas.smedegaardT478: Attempted to launch Settings and was presented with and error "can not launch Settings. Failed to allocate memory."
jonas.smedegaard added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 05:35
jonas.smedegaardT478: Attempted to launch Settings and was presented with and error "can not launch Settings. Failed to allocate memory."
jonas.smedegaard closed this task as Invalid. 
May 27 2021, 05:35
jonas.smedegaardT488: Could not open .odt file
jonas.smedegaard removed zlatan.todoric as the assignee of this task. 
May 27 2021, 05:33
jonas.smedegaardT488: Could not open .odt fileMay 27 2021, 05:33
jonas.smedegaardT488: Could not open .odt file
jonas.smedegaard added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 05:33
jonas.smedegaardT488: Could not open .odt file
jonas.smedegaard closed this task as Resolved. 
May 27 2021, 05:33
jonas.smedegaardT489: Opening LibreOffice files locally/remotely produces delay or failureMay 27 2021, 05:32
jonas.smedegaardT489: Opening LibreOffice files locally/remotely produces delay or failure
jonas.smedegaard closed this task as Resolved. 
May 27 2021, 05:32
jonas.smedegaardT489: Opening LibreOffice files locally/remotely produces delay or failure
jonas.smedegaard removed zlatan.todoric as the assignee of this task. 
May 27 2021, 05:32
jonas.smedegaardT489: Opening LibreOffice files locally/remotely produces delay or failure
jonas.smedegaard added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 05:32
jonas.smedegaardT492: "ERROR: Invalid smb.conf" […] with long hostnames
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: zlatan.todoric. 
May 27 2021, 05:28
jonas.smedegaardT492: "ERROR: Invalid smb.conf" […] with long hostnames
jonas.smedegaard closed this task as Invalid. 
May 27 2021, 05:28
jonas.smedegaardT492: "ERROR: Invalid smb.conf" […] with long hostnames
jonas.smedegaard removed zlatan.todoric as the assignee of this task. 
May 27 2021, 05:28
jonas.smedegaardT497: lightdm: uses Debian wallpaper
jonas.smedegaard renamed this task from Lightdm + Debian Wallpaper... to lightdm: uses Debian wallpaper. 
May 27 2021, 05:25
jonas.smedegaardT497: lightdm: uses Debian wallpaper
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Low priority. 
May 27 2021, 05:25
jonas.smedegaardT511: unar unable to unpack certain rar files
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: zlatan.todoric. 
May 27 2021, 05:22
jonas.smedegaardT511: unar unable to unpack certain rar files
jonas.smedegaard claimed this task. 
May 27 2021, 05:22
jonas.smedegaardT511: unar unable to unpack certain rar files
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 05:22
jonas.smedegaardT500: (Proposal) Add "network-manager-config-connectivity-debian" to the list of preinstalled packages
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 05:20
jonas.smedegaardT500: (Proposal) Add "network-manager-config-connectivity-debian" to the list of preinstalled packages
jonas.smedegaard assigned this task to mak. 
May 27 2021, 05:20
jonas.smedegaardT518: "Automatic suspend" notification appears when it shouldn't
jonas.smedegaard added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 05:10
jonas.smedegaardT518: "Automatic suspend" notification appears when it shouldn't
jonas.smedegaard changed the task status from Open to Incomplete. 
May 27 2021, 05:10
jonas.smedegaardT518: "Automatic suspend" notification appears when it shouldn't
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: jonas.smedegaard. 
May 27 2021, 05:10
jonas.smedegaardT518: "Automatic suspend" notification appears when it shouldn't
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 05:09
jonas.smedegaardT559: Reboot after udate-initramfs prompts user twice for disk encryption password
jonas.smedegaard added subscribers: ezs777, Squid, d3vid. 
May 27 2021, 05:08
jonas.smedegaardT559: Reboot after udate-initramfs prompts user twice for disk encryption passwordMay 27 2021, 05:08
jonas.smedegaardT559: Reboot after udate-initramfs prompts user twice for disk encryption passwordMay 27 2021, 05:07
jonas.smedegaardT523: Prompted for LUKS passphrase twice on startupMay 27 2021, 05:07
jonas.smedegaardT523: Prompted for LUKS passphrase twice on startupMay 27 2021, 05:07
jonas.smedegaardT528: Can not lock screen in GNOME
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 05:06
jonas.smedegaardT528: Can not lock screen in GNOME
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: jonas.smedegaard. 
May 27 2021, 05:06
jonas.smedegaardT528: Can not lock screen in GNOME
jonas.smedegaard changed the task status from Open to Incomplete. 
May 27 2021, 05:06
jonas.smedegaardT528: Can not lock screen in GNOME
jonas.smedegaard added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 05:06
jonas.smedegaardT535: Increase OEM-Swap-Partition to enable hibernation / hib. on emergency shutdown due to low battery
jonas.smedegaard assigned this task to mak. 
May 27 2021, 05:04
jonas.smedegaardT535: Increase OEM-Swap-Partition to enable hibernation / hib. on emergency shutdown due to low battery
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 05:04
jonas.smedegaardT540: KeepPass2 breaks on PureOS with latest updates
jonas.smedegaard added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 05:03
jonas.smedegaardT540: KeepPass2 breaks on PureOS with latest updates
jonas.smedegaard changed the task status from Open to Incomplete. 
May 27 2021, 05:03