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jonas.smedegaardT943: WiFi adapter not found
jonas.smedegaard added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 08:22
jonas.smedegaardT943: WiFi adapter not found
jonas.smedegaard changed the task status from Open to Incomplete. 
May 27 2021, 08:22
jonas.smedegaardT943: WiFi adapter not found
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: jonas.smedegaard. 
May 27 2021, 08:22
jonas.smedegaardT943: WiFi adapter not found
jonas.smedegaard removed a project: Librem BIOS. 
May 27 2021, 08:22
nicoleT175: Test relocation and truncation options for me_cleaner
nicole added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 08:21
nicoleT175: Test relocation and truncation options for me_cleaner
nicole added a subscriber: MrChromebox. 
May 27 2021, 08:21
nicoleT178: Free the EC firmware
nicole added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 08:20
nicoleT178: Free the EC firmware
nicole closed this task as Wontfix. 
May 27 2021, 08:20
jonas.smedegaardT170: Add Librems to flashrom's whitelist
jonas.smedegaard reassigned this task from vivia.nikolaidou to nicole. 
May 27 2021, 08:18
jonas.smedegaardT170: Add Librems to flashrom's whitelist
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: vivia.nikolaidou. 
May 27 2021, 08:18
jonas.smedegaardT170: Add Librems to flashrom's whitelist
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 08:18
jonas.smedegaardT175: Test relocation and truncation options for me_cleaner
jonas.smedegaard added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 08:14
jonas.smedegaardT175: Test relocation and truncation options for me_cleaner
jonas.smedegaard assigned this task to nicole. 
May 27 2021, 08:14
jonas.smedegaardT175: Test relocation and truncation options for me_cleaner
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: nicole. 
May 27 2021, 08:14
jonas.smedegaardT178: Free the EC firmware
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: nicole. 
May 27 2021, 08:13
jonas.smedegaardT178: Free the EC firmware
jonas.smedegaard assigned this task to nicole. 
May 27 2021, 08:13
jonas.smedegaardT178: Free the EC firmware
jonas.smedegaard added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 08:13
jonas.smedegaardT195: Test HAP bit on various ME versions
jonas.smedegaard added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 08:13
jonas.smedegaardT195: Test HAP bit on various ME versions
jonas.smedegaard assigned this task to nicole. 
May 27 2021, 08:13
jonas.smedegaardT195: Test HAP bit on various ME versions
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: nicole. 
May 27 2021, 08:13
jonas.smedegaardT175: Test relocation and truncation options for me_cleaner
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 08:08
jonas.smedegaardT175: Test relocation and truncation options for me_cleaner
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: jonas.smedegaard. 
May 27 2021, 08:07
jonas.smedegaardT175: Test relocation and truncation options for me_cleaner
jonas.smedegaard added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 08:07
jonas.smedegaardT175: Test relocation and truncation options for me_cleaner
jonas.smedegaard changed the task status from Open to Incomplete. 
May 27 2021, 08:07
jonas.smedegaardT178: Free the EC firmware
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: jonas.smedegaard. 
May 27 2021, 08:04
jonas.smedegaardT178: Free the EC firmware
jonas.smedegaard changed the task status from Open to Incomplete. 
May 27 2021, 08:04
jonas.smedegaardT178: Free the EC firmware
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 08:04
jonas.smedegaardT178: Free the EC firmware
jonas.smedegaard added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 08:04
jonas.smedegaardT180: Verify/fix/test CLKREQ settings for wifi and nvme
jonas.smedegaard changed the task status from Open to Incomplete. 
May 27 2021, 08:01
jonas.smedegaardT180: Verify/fix/test CLKREQ settings for wifi and nvme
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 08:01
jonas.smedegaardT180: Verify/fix/test CLKREQ settings for wifi and nvme
jonas.smedegaard added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 08:01
jonas.smedegaardT180: Verify/fix/test CLKREQ settings for wifi and nvme
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: jonas.smedegaard. 
May 27 2021, 08:01
jonas.smedegaardT181: Port/test libgfxinit for skylake
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: jonas.smedegaard. 
May 27 2021, 08:00
jonas.smedegaardT181: Port/test libgfxinit for skylake
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 08:00
jonas.smedegaardT181: Port/test libgfxinit for skylake
jonas.smedegaard changed the task status from Open to Incomplete. 
May 27 2021, 08:00
jonas.smedegaardT181: Port/test libgfxinit for skylake
jonas.smedegaard added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 08:00
jonas.smedegaardT183: add support for l13v2/l15v3 to the coreboot-updater
jonas.smedegaard added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 07:59
jonas.smedegaardT183: add support for l13v2/l15v3 to the coreboot-updater
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 07:59
jonas.smedegaardT183: add support for l13v2/l15v3 to the coreboot-updater
jonas.smedegaard changed the task status from Open to Incomplete. 
May 27 2021, 07:59
jonas.smedegaardT183: add support for l13v2/l15v3 to the coreboot-updater
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: jonas.smedegaard. 
May 27 2021, 07:59
jonas.smedegaardT188: [color calibration] Crashing during the process
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 07:58
jonas.smedegaardT188: [color calibration] Crashing during the process
jonas.smedegaard claimed this task. 
May 27 2021, 07:58
nicoleT190: Fix SeaBIOS boot order
nicole added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 07:54
jonas.smedegaardT190: Fix SeaBIOS boot order
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: jonas.smedegaard. 
May 27 2021, 07:34
jonas.smedegaardT190: Fix SeaBIOS boot order
jonas.smedegaard added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 07:34
jonas.smedegaardT190: Fix SeaBIOS boot order
jonas.smedegaard changed the task status from Open to Incomplete. 
May 27 2021, 07:34
jonas.smedegaardT192: Investigate i915 crash for DP lanes
jonas.smedegaard added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 07:30
jonas.smedegaardT192: Investigate i915 crash for DP lanes
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: jonas.smedegaard. 
May 27 2021, 07:30
jonas.smedegaardT192: Investigate i915 crash for DP lanes
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as High priority. 
May 27 2021, 07:30
jonas.smedegaardT192: Investigate i915 crash for DP lanes
jonas.smedegaard changed the task status from Open to Incomplete. 
May 27 2021, 07:30
jonas.smedegaardT195: Test HAP bit on various ME versions
jonas.smedegaard added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 07:29
jonas.smedegaardT195: Test HAP bit on various ME versions
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: jonas.smedegaard. 
May 27 2021, 07:29
jonas.smedegaardT195: Test HAP bit on various ME versions
jonas.smedegaard changed the task status from Open to Incomplete. 
May 27 2021, 07:29
jonas.smedegaardT195: Test HAP bit on various ME versions
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 07:26
jonas.smedegaardT196: Pure OS continually disconnects my computer from VPN
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 07:25
jonas.smedegaardT206: PureOS doesn't load under KVM
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Low priority. 
May 27 2021, 07:24
jonas.smedegaardT294: Wine not lauching
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Low priority. 
May 27 2021, 07:24
jonas.smedegaardT312: Enable Intel SGX or not
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Wishlist priority. 
May 27 2021, 07:22
jonas.smedegaardT315: Enable vboot
jonas.smedegaard added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 07:21
jonas.smedegaardT315: Enable vboot
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: jonas.smedegaard. 
May 27 2021, 07:21
jonas.smedegaardT315: Enable vboot
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Wishlist priority. 
May 27 2021, 07:21
jonas.smedegaardT315: Enable vboot
jonas.smedegaard closed this task as Wontfix. 
May 27 2021, 07:20
jonas.smedegaardT318: Scheduled backup reports "error: can't start new thread"
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 07:19
jonas.smedegaardT322: USB mount/unmount logs current user out of GNOME with Wayland
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 07:18
jonas.smedegaardT340: Typing in the search bar in the Gnome activities overview doesn't work properly
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 07:17
jonas.smedegaardT336: Librem 13v2 PureOS kernel runs out of memory with make -j
jonas.smedegaard claimed this task. 
May 27 2021, 07:16
jonas.smedegaardT336: Librem 13v2 PureOS kernel runs out of memory with make -j
jonas.smedegaard closed this task as Resolved. 
May 27 2021, 07:16
jonas.smedegaardT336: Librem 13v2 PureOS kernel runs out of memory with make -j
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: jonas.smedegaard. 
May 27 2021, 07:16
jonas.smedegaardT336: Librem 13v2 PureOS kernel runs out of memory with make -j
jonas.smedegaard added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 07:16
jonas.smedegaardT342: Puremail will not run, due to missing dependencies
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as High priority. 
May 27 2021, 07:14
jonas.smedegaardT346: Secondary button on the touchpad is not working after PureOS update
jonas.smedegaard closed this task as Resolved. 
May 27 2021, 07:14
jonas.smedegaardT361: OEM installs won't complete on Libreboot X200 Tablet
jonas.smedegaard changed the task status from Incomplete to Open. 
May 27 2021, 07:13
jonas.smedegaardT361: OEM installs won't complete on Libreboot X200 Tablet
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 07:12
jonas.smedegaardT388: Can only set US time zones after choosing American English as language and keyboard layout
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 07:11
jonas.smedegaardT390: No maximize animations after clean install
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Low priority. 
May 27 2021, 07:10
jonas.smedegaardT390: No maximize animations after clean install
jonas.smedegaard added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 07:10
jonas.smedegaardT390: No maximize animations after clean install
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: jonas.smedegaard. 
May 27 2021, 07:10
jonas.smedegaardT390: No maximize animations after clean install
jonas.smedegaard changed the task status from Open to Incomplete. 
May 27 2021, 07:10
jonas.smedegaardT391: It's hard to discover how to change the boot order
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 07:09
jonas.smedegaardT391: It's hard to discover how to change the boot order
jonas.smedegaard assigned this task to mak. 
May 27 2021, 07:09
jonas.smedegaardT397: Installation process: image missing in "About You" window
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Low priority. 
May 27 2021, 07:07
jonas.smedegaardT400: Installation process: bad wifi password interrupts installation process
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 07:06
jonas.smedegaardT402: Installation process: Partitions: Confusion about MBR versus GPT
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 07:06
jonas.smedegaardT406: First login: "Getting started" links are not reader-friendly
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Low priority. 
May 27 2021, 07:05
jonas.smedegaardT411: Login/lock screen: warn on caps lock/num lock
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 07:04
jonas.smedegaardT412: luks: does not warn on caps lock/num lock
jonas.smedegaard renamed this task from Disk unlock screen: does not warn on caps lock/num lock to luks: does not warn on caps lock/num lock. 
May 27 2021, 07:03
jonas.smedegaardT412: luks: does not warn on caps lock/num lock
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 07:03
jonas.smedegaardT412: luks: does not warn on caps lock/num lock
jonas.smedegaard renamed this task from Disk unlock screen: warn on caps lock/num lock to Disk unlock screen: does not warn on caps lock/num lock. 
May 27 2021, 07:03
jonas.smedegaardT414: Unplugging external monitor doesn't update displays, resulting in unusable system
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 07:01
jonas.smedegaardT417: sweethome3d broken: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: sun.awt.X11GraphicsConfig.getDevice()Lsun/awt/X11GraphicsDevice
jonas.smedegaard closed this task as Resolved. 
May 27 2021, 07:00
jonas.smedegaardT417: sweethome3d broken: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: sun.awt.X11GraphicsConfig.getDevice()Lsun/awt/X11GraphicsDevice
jonas.smedegaard claimed this task. 
May 27 2021, 07:00
jonas.smedegaardT437: Some emoji too big, others in black-and-white
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 06:34
jonas.smedegaardT441: No Hibernation on critical battery
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority. 
May 27 2021, 06:34
jonas.smedegaardT445: Current QEMU breaks gnome-boxes
jonas.smedegaard added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 06:33
jonas.smedegaardT445: Current QEMU breaks gnome-boxes
jonas.smedegaard claimed this task. 
May 27 2021, 06:33
jonas.smedegaardT445: Current QEMU breaks gnome-boxes
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: jonas.smedegaard. 
May 27 2021, 06:33
jonas.smedegaardT445: Current QEMU breaks gnome-boxes
jonas.smedegaard closed this task as Resolved. 
May 27 2021, 06:33
jonas.smedegaardT454: The lock screen always prompts twice
jonas.smedegaard added a comment. 
May 27 2021, 06:32
jonas.smedegaardT454: The lock screen always prompts twice
jonas.smedegaard closed this task as Invalid. 
May 27 2021, 06:32
jonas.smedegaardT454: The lock screen always prompts twice
jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: jonas.smedegaard. 
May 27 2021, 06:32