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guido (Guido Günther)


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User Details

User Since
Jan 22 2018, 01:08 (374 w, 3 d)

Recent Activity

Feb 11 2023

guido created T1119: Please add PureOS to distro-info .
Feb 11 2023, 09:35

Sep 4 2022

guido renamed T1113: Autobackporter to PureOS from Autoabackporter to Autobackporter to PureOS.
Sep 4 2022, 03:44
guido created T1113: Autobackporter to PureOS.
Sep 4 2022, 03:44

Aug 26 2022

guido created T1112: Please provide a server that ships debugging information.
Aug 26 2022, 00:47

Mar 29 2022

guido closed T1101: firefox-esr 91 can't be build because of missing cbindgen >=0.19 as Resolved.

Firefox-esr is in Byzantium-security:

Mar 29 2022, 02:28 · Restricted Project

Mar 18 2022

guido added a comment to T1108: Firefox does not show up in PureOS Store / gnome-software.


Mar 18 2022, 02:04

Mar 17 2022

guido added a comment to T1108: Firefox does not show up in PureOS Store / gnome-software.

A quick search brought up

Mar 17 2022, 03:30
guido created T1108: Firefox does not show up in PureOS Store / gnome-software.
Mar 17 2022, 02:25

Jan 28 2022

guido added a comment to T873: archive: need a way to have -dbgsym packages.

@jbw See

Jan 28 2022, 00:57

Jan 18 2022

guido added a comment to T1096: gpodder consider packaging adaptive branch.

Everything that gets uploaded to the archive gets built for arm64 (librem5) automatically.

Jan 18 2022, 01:30

Oct 28 2021

guido added a comment to T1084: nuitka : Depends: base-files (>= 11) but 10.1pureos7 is installed.

@carsten.schoenert I think we want base-files 11.1+debu11u1 + pureos changs, yes but @mak should confirm. What puzzles me is that it doesn't show up at

Oct 28 2021, 01:19

Oct 11 2021

guido added a comment to Mobile-optimized apps.

We consider byzantium to be stable now. Awesome list btw!

Oct 11 2021, 03:37
guido added a comment to Mobile-optimized apps.

Screenshot works for me (it's not adaptive and only capturing the full screen works) but I use it all the time.

Oct 11 2021, 03:36

Sep 24 2021

guido added a comment to T1079: Lollypop in byzantium has a bug affecting adeptive mode.

@carsten.schoenert happy to help here, first good step would be a MR against the above repo with the necessary changes. I usually do

Sep 24 2021, 03:42 · Restricted Project

Sep 23 2021

guido added a comment to T1075: lintian: relax email address requirement in Change-by check.

The linitan check is about the fields in d/control. I doesn't care who signs/uploads the package later on.

Sep 23 2021, 07:52
guido closed T1065: mentions Hephaestus as Resolved.

The name "Hephaestus" is going to be deprecated and removed in favor of just the version number, e.g. PureOS 9 Amber, Pureos 10 Byzantium, etc.

Sep 23 2021, 07:49 · Restricted Project
guido reopened T1066: Download buttons says "Hephaestus 9.0" as "Open".

Sorry for the open/close ping pong but the issue is still there (and not a dup, i'll clarify in the other issue).

Sep 23 2021, 07:43 · Restricted Project
guido added a comment to T1066: Download buttons says "Hephaestus 9.0".

For completeness, you're referring to ?

Sep 23 2021, 07:42 · Restricted Project
guido added a comment to T1079: Lollypop in byzantium has a bug affecting adeptive mode.

@carsten.schoenert i've created by mirroring (see for the steps) since i wasn't sure if you have all the permissions set up yet.

Sep 23 2021, 07:13 · Restricted Project

Sep 22 2021

guido added a comment to T1075: lintian: relax email address requirement in Change-by check.

It's not a rejection reason (afaik Laneakia doesn't reject based on linitan errors yet) so likely not security relevant or am i missing something?

Sep 22 2021, 10:16
guido created T1077: Please sync from bullseye-security.
Sep 22 2021, 07:47 · Restricted Project

Sep 13 2021

guido added a comment to T1060: Please update vala to 0.48.18 in byzantium.

I can handle this low priority for the moment, i found ways to build geary for the moment but i expect this issue to become more urgent during the byznatium cycle again (if not for geary then for other packages using vala). Issue here is that this will likely involve a glib upgrade as well.

Sep 13 2021, 01:54 · Restricted Project

Sep 10 2021

guido created T1075: lintian: relax email address requirement in Change-by check.
Sep 10 2021, 01:09
guido renamed T1075: lintian: relax email address requirement in Change-by check from lintian: relax email address requirent in Change-by check to lintian: relax email address requirement in Change-by check.
Sep 10 2021, 01:08

Jul 27 2021

guido created T1066: Download buttons says "Hephaestus 9.0".
Jul 27 2021, 00:14 · Restricted Project
guido created T1065: mentions Hephaestus.
Jul 27 2021, 00:12 · Restricted Project

Jul 5 2021

guido renamed T1060: Please update vala to 0.48.18 in byzantium from Please update vala to 0.48.18 to Please update vala to 0.48.18 in byantium.
Jul 5 2021, 02:07 · Restricted Project
guido created T1060: Please update vala to 0.48.18 in byzantium.
Jul 5 2021, 02:06 · Restricted Project

May 26 2021

guido added a comment to T1014: Please allow to build from git tags.

Interesting experiment by smvc. As noted above we can build from git *but* lack the laneakia integration so this currently foremost needs some input from @mak how we want to proceed there (i.e. what part of the laneakia system fetches from git, do we still build source packages, do we use shim .changes files or do away with all of this)? I'd go for initially mimiciing current build process as much as possible (have a art in laneakia that watches git repos, if a signed tag pops up verify that build a source package and submit it to the existing infrastructure and then work from there. But then again this depends if we want to work on something that works for Debian as well, etc.

May 26 2021, 03:39 · Restricted Project
guido updated subscribers of T896: gnome-online-accounts: Ship enabled GOA.

From my side this can be closed since i don't think amber matters much at this point. I'm not sure what the PureOS policy is here? Close once the release goes fully out of service? @jeremiah.foster ?

May 26 2021, 00:31 · Restricted Project
guido added a comment to T597: Please package zanata command line tool.

From my side we an close this since zanata isn't in use by any Purism project anymore afaik.

May 26 2021, 00:29 · Restricted Project

May 25 2021

guido added a comment to T1054: purple-carbons: clashes with purple-xmpp-carbons without coordination.


May 25 2021, 03:43

May 11 2021

guido created T1052: Please add 'version in pureos' support to
May 11 2021, 00:34

May 7 2021

guido added a comment to T1049: pureos: unclear how to best update downstream forks.

My frustration is with packages released with changelog files containing something else than a strict log of release changes. Regardless of tooling!

With "a strict log of release changes" I mean that each section of the logfile summarizes the change between that and the previous section of that file.

May 7 2021, 03:44
guido added a comment to T1034: network-manager-openvpn: fails to work with Librem Tunnel and some other OpenVPN services on byzantium.

Cool stuff, thanks @jonas.smedegaard , @mladen !

May 7 2021, 03:32 · Restricted Project

May 6 2021

guido updated subscribers of T1049: pureos: unclear how to best update downstream forks.

To me, best practice of maintaining a fork prioritizes keeping the difference to a minimum over keeping the maintenance work to a minimum.

NB! I certainly welcome reducing the maintanance burden, I am only talking about the priority of those to qualities: Ideally both should be minimal.

May 6 2021, 02:52
guido added a comment to T1049: pureos: unclear how to best update downstream forks.

Just to make sure we understand each other: What you call "artifacts" are tangible by-products, right? For comparison, what I call "products" are the packages we ship to our users (not throw-away results of test builds).

May 6 2021, 02:27

May 5 2021

guido added a comment to T1049: pureos: unclear how to best update downstream forks.

I disagree that we should imply that meshed history is a good practice because I think it is incomprehensible to read a meshed history: It lead to my coming up with the "rebasing" strategy b) referenced in this issue report, and later lead me to file T1048 which triggered the creation of this issue report.

May 5 2021, 10:31
guido added a comment to T1049: pureos: unclear how to best update downstream forks.

No, but you are debating whether or not meshing changelogs makes them harder to understand.

May 5 2021, 10:28
guido added a comment to T1049: pureos: unclear how to best update downstream forks.

I cannot decipher if release 1.14.12-0.1pureos1~amber1 is just "uploaded" and "backported" compared to release 1.14.12-0.1 - i.e. if the patches mentioned for release 1.14.10-0.1~pureos0~amber1 was applied as well or not.

May 5 2021, 02:02

May 4 2021

guido added a comment to T1049: pureos: unclear how to best update downstream forks.

I am talking about the Debian standard for well-structured patches DEP-3 (not DEP-5)
Debian tracker currently link to a single dumb delta between the forked Ubuntu package and its Debian parent (not DEP-3 patches)
my vision is for PureOS to provide DEP-3 patches to ease reuse outside of PureOS - e.g. linked from same place that now links to dumb Ubuntu patches (not that PureOS provide dumb patches like Ubuntu - which I agree is doable regardless of how packages are prepared but is less helpful than DEP-3 patches).

May 4 2021, 03:23

May 3 2021

guido added a comment to T1049: pureos: unclear how to best update downstream forks.

I would love to have also link to PureOS patches - and I see how that is doable by parsing Debian Policy standards-compliant source packages and look for DEP-5 standards-compliant patches. Which standards should I follow to implement such feature for git branches/commits?

May 3 2021, 07:23

Apr 30 2021

guido added a comment to T1049: pureos: unclear how to best update downstream forks.

Similary, when we need changes to the packaging of epiphany, we should do that "upstream first" as well: We should have in mind that the epiphany package is maintained as part of Debian and we prefer to not maintain a fork forever, so we should play nice with upstream and try make it easy for them to grab and adopt our changes.

Apr 30 2021, 07:32
guido added a comment to T1049: pureos: unclear how to best update downstream forks.

This still leaves the question of best practices with respect to downstream forks of Debian packages (see item a) and item b) in the opening post).

Apr 30 2021, 01:34
guido updated subscribers of Uploading Packages to PureOS.

Thanks for expanding @jeremiah.foster you're duplicating partly content from Tracing the package after the upload though. what about dropping that and just referencing the Tracing the package after the upload

Apr 30 2021, 01:14
guido added a comment to Packaging Overview.

@evangelos.tzaras you only have *both* `pueros/latest and pureos/byzantium once byzatium is no longer the current development version. See . The upside of pureos/latest is that you'd not be constantly busy with switching the repos default branch and name. It's basically the same as we do within DebianOnMobile with debian/master.

Apr 30 2021, 01:11 · Restricted Project, Restricted Project, Restricted Project
guido added a comment to NEW Queue.

I went ahead and fixed the link.

Apr 30 2021, 01:07 · Restricted Project
guido published a new version of NEW Queue.
Apr 30 2021, 01:05 · Restricted Project

Apr 28 2021

guido added a comment to T1048: gnome-calls: changelog has parent Debian changes interleaved with PureOS changes.
Backports of an updated version of a package that was backported before may have a changelog that merges entries of backports of previous versions, but this is not required.
Apr 28 2021, 09:27
guido added a comment to T1048: gnome-calls: changelog has parent Debian changes interleaved with PureOS changes.

For Debian packages, there are no forking and resync'ing going on, so the changelog naturally behaves like a "log" - but when "meshing" multiple sources together, the arguably more natural thing to do is to mesh the log as well, which in my opinion is plain wrong and leads to a useless changelog file.

Apr 28 2021, 07:19
guido added a comment to T1049: pureos: unclear how to best update downstream forks.

My point is that we cannot mandate "merging Debian tags", because that implies a parent Debian package prepared and tagged in a way compatible with gbp which is not always the case.

Apr 28 2021, 05:42
guido added a comment to T1049: pureos: unclear how to best update downstream forks.

@jonas.smedegaard point taken. I read that in relation to T1011 and T1012 above which kind of would codify what's asked here.

Apr 28 2021, 05:38
guido added a comment to T1049: pureos: unclear how to best update downstream forks.

(notice how each of the suggestions have some sort of bias...)

Apr 28 2021, 04:26
guido added a comment to T1049: pureos: unclear how to best update downstream forks.

While git, git-buildpackage, and tagging releases in git are all popular, they are not required in Debian and therefore cannot be required in PureOS either.

Apr 28 2021, 04:21
guido added a comment to T1048: gnome-calls: changelog has parent Debian changes interleaved with PureOS changes.

Please do not expand this issue to become a meta discussion about what is common and what is uncommon: That is quite important to figure out but as separate issues.

Apr 28 2021, 04:18
guido added a comment to Packaging Overview.

@sebastian.krzyszkowiak , thanks fixed!

Apr 28 2021, 02:46 · Restricted Project, Restricted Project, Restricted Project
guido edited the content of Packaging Overview.
Apr 28 2021, 02:45 · Restricted Project, Restricted Project, Restricted Project
guido added a comment to T1048: gnome-calls: changelog has parent Debian changes interleaved with PureOS changes.

Please keep packaging close to its parent, by rebasing changes on top of latest Debian package release.

Apr 28 2021, 02:36

Apr 27 2021

guido added a comment to T1044: lollypop fails to start in PureOS byzantium (laptop) but not on Byzantium mobile..

Ticket is updated upstream. Closing this.

Apr 27 2021, 05:05

Apr 26 2021

guido added a comment to Packaging Overview.

@evangelos.tzaras no idea how one drops drafts but i think i restored the original version.

Apr 26 2021, 03:49 · Restricted Project, Restricted Project, Restricted Project
guido published a new version of Packaging Overview.
Apr 26 2021, 03:48 · Restricted Project, Restricted Project, Restricted Project
guido closed T1010: synchrotron: source and target columns look swapped as Resolved.

this looks fixed in lanekia's new layout

Apr 26 2021, 00:47
guido closed T1042: libgdm-dev missing from byzantium as Resolved.

3.38.2 is in byzantium now:

Apr 26 2021, 00:46 · Restricted Project, Restricted Project

Apr 22 2021

guido updated subscribers of T1034: network-manager-openvpn: fails to work with Librem Tunnel and some other OpenVPN services on byzantium.

@jonas.smedegaard could you please work with @mladen to get this fix into byzantium (and ideally also Debian bullseye since this looks like it would qualify).

Apr 22 2021, 01:04 · Restricted Project
guido added a comment to T1044: lollypop fails to start in PureOS byzantium (laptop) but not on Byzantium mobile..

@joao.azevedo can you provide a backtrace: - otherwise the segfault says almost nothing about where the problem is happening.

Apr 22 2021, 01:00

Apr 21 2021

guido edited the content of Packaging Overview.
Apr 21 2021, 00:53 · Restricted Project, Restricted Project, Restricted Project

Apr 20 2021

guido edited the content of Packaging Overview.
Apr 20 2021, 02:16 · Restricted Project, Restricted Project, Restricted Project
guido edited the content of Packaging Overview.
Apr 20 2021, 02:06 · Restricted Project, Restricted Project, Restricted Project

Apr 19 2021

guido closed T1023: PureOS guidelines should require (not only suggest) changing Maintainer as Resolved.

updated, so closing

Apr 19 2021, 04:03
guido edited the content of Packaging Overview.
Apr 19 2021, 03:28 · Restricted Project, Restricted Project, Restricted Project

Apr 12 2021

guido added a comment to T1023: PureOS guidelines should require (not only suggest) changing Maintainer.

@jeremiah.foster o.k. to update the docs?

Apr 12 2021, 03:16
guido added a comment to T1023: PureOS guidelines should require (not only suggest) changing Maintainer.

Le't leave it as is then for now (since this seems current PureOS practice):

Apr 12 2021, 03:15
guido added a comment to T1023: PureOS guidelines should require (not only suggest) changing Maintainer.

@jonas.smedegaard i think you mean not above? (this issue is T1023)?

Apr 12 2021, 03:07
guido added a comment to T1023: PureOS guidelines should require (not only suggest) changing Maintainer.

Two more questions:

Apr 12 2021, 02:28
guido added a comment to T1023: PureOS guidelines should require (not only suggest) changing Maintainer.

having the these texts in a form that is suitable for c'n'p would help:

Apr 12 2021, 02:27

Apr 8 2021

guido added a comment to T1041: Cannot open Gedit on PureOS 10 - Byzantium.

@ezs777 thanks for confirming it works for you!

Apr 8 2021, 05:47 · Restricted Project

Apr 7 2021

guido created T1043: Lintian on PureOS should check that Vcs-Git points to
Apr 7 2021, 09:36

Apr 6 2021

guido added a comment to T1041: Cannot open Gedit on PureOS 10 - Byzantium.


Apr 6 2021, 08:14 · Restricted Project

Mar 18 2021

guido added a comment to T1008: Geolocation broken since we're using Debian's API key to access mozilla's location services.

I think that's what we should do, see above

Mar 18 2021, 03:06

Mar 16 2021

guido added a comment to T1008: Geolocation broken since we're using Debian's API key to access mozilla's location services.

@jeremiah.foster location services are off by default, this is for the case where the user enables it. Would you drive that process since it affects all devices running PureOS the same way??

Mar 16 2021, 06:41
guido updated subscribers of T1008: Geolocation broken since we're using Debian's API key to access mozilla's location services.

@jeremiah.foster any plans here? Should that go via the sys-team to manage all api keys?

Mar 16 2021, 04:48

Mar 11 2021

guido created T1031: Please update dpkg in byzantium.
Mar 11 2021, 01:22 · Restricted Project

Mar 4 2021

guido closed T1017: Please drop callaudiod 0.0.5-1+pureos1 from landing as Resolved.

removed from landng as per request

Mar 4 2021, 00:23
guido closed T1009: rust-xkbcommon: Please drop 0.4.0-0pureos1 from landing as Wontfix.

odd tarball in the archive - lets revisit for > 0.4.0

Mar 4 2021, 00:22

Mar 3 2021

jeremiah.foster empowered guido as an administrator.
Mar 3 2021, 09:15
guido added a comment to T1017: Please drop callaudiod 0.0.5-1+pureos1 from landing.

cleaned up in landing

Mar 3 2021, 08:23
guido added a comment to T1009: rust-xkbcommon: Please drop 0.4.0-0pureos1 from landing.

we can close this since we can't clean it up for byzantium due to a tarball checksum mismatch - i lack the power to close bugs thouh.

Mar 3 2021, 08:22
guido created T1018: Please turn off paging on
Mar 3 2021, 06:26 · Restricted Project

Mar 2 2021

guido created T1017: Please drop callaudiod 0.0.5-1+pureos1 from landing.
Mar 2 2021, 05:58
guido created T1016: Rebuild all packages on import from Debian.
Mar 2 2021, 03:32
guido created T1015: Please add an auto-forward porter.
Mar 2 2021, 03:28 · Restricted Project
guido added a comment to T1014: Please allow to build from git tags.

Note that on the phone side we use a separate system to allow for this but it woudl be great if laneakia would handle that natively since this would shorten the pipeline where anything could go wrong and it makes it quicker to spot problems.

Mar 2 2021, 03:25 · Restricted Project
guido created T1014: Please allow to build from git tags.
Mar 2 2021, 03:24 · Restricted Project
guido created T1013: Take reproduciblity into account for package migrations.
Mar 2 2021, 03:22
guido added a comment to T872: archive: Need a way to block packages from migrating to amber-phone / byzantium.

A likey simple way would be to assume a fixed location in gitlab like

Mar 2 2021, 03:11 · Restricted Project
guido renamed T872: archive: Need a way to block packages from migrating to amber-phone / byzantium from archive: Need a way to block packages from migrating to amber-phone to archive: Need a way to block packages from migrating to amber-phone / byzantium.
Mar 2 2021, 03:09 · Restricted Project
guido created T1012: Please provide scripts to update downstream forks.
Mar 2 2021, 02:37
guido renamed T1011: Please provide scripts to create downstream forks from Please provide scripts to manager downstream forks to Please provide scripts to create downstream forks.
Mar 2 2021, 02:33
guido created T1011: Please provide scripts to create downstream forks.
Mar 2 2021, 02:33
guido updated the task description for T1010: synchrotron: source and target columns look swapped.
Mar 2 2021, 02:27