FYI I got curious so glancing at the source code the image is "just" (har har) replacing panels/info/GnomeLogoVerticalMedium.svg and the text itself is currently populated by parsing /etc/os-release in get_os_info (panels/info/cc-info-overview-panel.c).
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Jun 7 2018
Ahhh, those silly tiny gnome scrollbars ...
Has the control center "details" pane moved? Can't find it in the current version...
Thanks! FTR was very happy to do this if you didn't want to :)
This is completely valid packaging, and gbp will happily use it.
It's used inside Debian by a bunch of projects, most notably the
KDE/Qt packaging team.
Jun 6 2018
Requested upstream make a new release here:
Jun 5 2018
Sure. I can actually confirm:
Jun 4 2018
Thanks :)
Cool. just checking we're all in total alignment and easier to frame as raw/bald questions :)
@mladen.pejakovic Would be very interested to know the problem. Could you spend a brief moment trying to locate it, otherwise this information will be lost in time..
Does the *current* coreboot source package build a coreboot image? If so, it's going to be difficult to just update the utils and not the image itself..
(some changed to core)
the Git history
Jun 3 2018
@mladen.pejakovic Duplicate of what, sorry?
I cannot reproduce this - am running 4.16.0-1-amd64 with no issues.
Hi @wellton! That is great news indeed. Is this in the version in PureOS now? Not 100% entirely sure of the purpose of this report/task at the moment :)
Jun 2 2018
@kakaroto Understand that but I think the confusion here is that the binary package you wish to use (ie. coreboot-utils here) is generated from a "source" package and crucially one doesn't — and cannot! — update binary packages directly. Or, putting it another way the version number is a property of the source package.
Jun 1 2018
@kakaroto Just to 100% check after private Riot chat; this ticket/update is still required?
(Re-opening as, well, it's not really "fixed" in a meaningful sense to our users although it might be from a technical PoV..)
What version of systemd are you using, if any?
May 30 2018
This will have to live in contrib, thus de-prioritising.
May 29 2018
<mak> if it's okay, I'll steal the bug report from you, because it's an archive issue - although the apt-file error message is also pretty bad
Thanks. Split this into T456 as it's still open/unresolved :)
Can't reproduce this, and have been locking/unlocking quite a bit.
FYI qemu 1:2.12+dfsg-1+b1+pureos1 was just uploaded to green.
May 28 2018
Whilst the binary package is coreboot-utils, the source package (ie. the thing we would update) is coreboot.
Appears to be 4.16.0-1-amd64 related (see forum). Retitling bug to match.
I'll take it in that case. Thanks!
@mak Any new (non-system) users. (is that passwd/user-default-groups?)
We are currently up-to-date wrt Debian for flashrom. A request for a new upstream version has been filed here:
Related to ? :)
May 27 2018
Anytime! Let me know the next time you need an adrenaline fix ;)
Ah, my bad... something snuck in when I was adding a utility from sid!
This has caused the removal of gnome-control-center :/
In T448#7988, @mladen.pejakovic wrote:It appears that this is already described in forums: might be the culprit, but I can't see how.
(Do we have any more info? For example, which packages were upgraded?)
May 26 2018
Fixed in 3.27.92-1pureos2 and filed the default group request in T447.
My apologies. The username is pureos and there is no password. :)
Fixed in 1.7.9-1 which is now in PureOS green. Enjoy :)
May 22 2018
@Uhino Could you try "user" with no password?
Heh, you must have missed see the oodles of scrollback on Riot me begging folks to open a suitable number of issues, whichever they are? :p
@heather.ellsworth wrote:
May 21 2018
Hmpf, looks like we are detecting it fine and applying the correct keyboard_key setting (note KEYBOARD_KEY_56=backslash). Any other developers with a US keyboard lurking here?I have a UK keyboard so am now a little stuck :)
My systemd version is 238-4
@heather.ellsworth Thanks for that. So, you shouldn't have to do that .. can you clarify which version of systemd you are running? Please run apt list systemd
May 20 2018
I spoke with the cryptroot maintainers in Debian and they are planning a bit of rewrite within the next week, so I won't immediately work on this as the patches won't apply.
@mladen.pejakovic Was asking you to retitle as you are the one who knew/knows the status of this. :) There's been enough confusion and/or missing info already, I don't want to add to that by an inaccurate naming.
UK keyboards apparently require (at least) a hardware fix. This is being tracked in T439.
What's the ETA in rolling this out? Will it require any PureOS changes?
May 19 2018
@mak Just to avoid confusion I wasn't suggesting we do that (and I think we are agreeing re. the metapackages vs base-files, no?)
@mak I think I agree. (I wonder though, academically,what _would_ be the package for that?)
@mak Can you additionally comment on doing that for existing users? There doesn't seem to be a perfect package for this (pureos-minimal is sub-optimal as that's a germinate-based thing, and base-files feels too low-level to me..)
@mak Another ping?^
Thanks! Can you link to the commit? :)
Can reproduce on PureOS, but not in Debian.
user I think :)
May 18 2018
(I think I'm misparsing, we can get both with the above!)
Assigning to @mak , at least to start off :)
Thanks for your input :)
May 17 2018
There are now two threads in the Purism forum regarding these issues. In this post:
I have Librem13v2 with *UK* keyboard.
Thanks @mak !
@mak Ah, so we would have (eventually) got an arm64 package (and then it would have migrated) - we would have just have had to wait?
Thanks for reporting - this is an (older) duplicate of T433; see there for the current status.
It's in landing now at least. Curious why it hasn't actually migrated given that the excuses mention that the priority was elevated?
May 16 2018
Unfortunately a few hours on is not showing -5 as being in landing or green. There is no reason why it shouldn't migrate if -4 is already there (no change of dependencies AFAICT). Can you help?
The system doesn't seem to know that revision yet, I'll bump the packages urgency in advance.
This is fixed if you have plymouth-themes 0.9.3-3pureos1 (just uploaded) and fontconfig 2.13.0-5 (see T434 - needs fast-migrating into green).