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Please update coreboot package
Closed, ResolvedPublic


coreboot is maintained by us and is at version 4.5.

@mak One for you? Or should/could someone else take it? (You did the previous uploads)

Event Timeline

chris.lamb created this task.May 28 2018, 01:19
mak added a comment.May 28 2018, 07:26

I wouldn't mind if someone else updated the package, but I also could take the task of course.

chris.lamb claimed this task.May 28 2018, 07:39

I'll take it in that case. Thanks!

Note: package is coreboot-utils

Whilst the binary package is coreboot-utils, the source package (ie. the thing we would update) is coreboot.

mak added a comment.May 28 2018, 16:57

Simple reason for that being that the utils are part of the main coreboot sources, and we only really want the utilities right now (packaging the rest didn't make sense to me, but it might at some point, at which we can easily add the other pieces to the existing packaging)

@kakaroto Just to 100% check after private Riot chat; this ticket/update is still required?

Yes, it still is required (and it's not handled by the coreboot team). The source package might be 'coreboot' as stated above, but the binary package that I need updated is 'coreboot-utils'.

@kakaroto Understand that but I think the confusion here is that the binary package you wish to use (ie. coreboot-utils here) is generated from a "source" package and crucially one doesn't — and cannot! — update binary packages directly. Or, putting it another way the version number is a property of the source package.

chris.lamb triaged this task as Normal priority.Jun 4 2018, 03:29

Yes, I know that, but I meant you don't need to build an actual coreboot image, just the utils that come with it.

Does the *current* coreboot source package build a coreboot image? If so, it's going to be difficult to just update the utils and not the image itself..

mak added a comment.Jun 4 2018, 10:27

Does the *current* coreboot source package build a coreboot image?

Nope, quoting myself:

In T452#8067, @mak wrote:

Simple reason for that being that the utils are part of the main coreboot sources, and we only really want the utilities right now (packaging the rest didn't make sense to me, but it might at some point, at which we can easily add the other pieces to the existing packaging)

--> only the utils made sense to publish as binary package, but since they are part of the whole coreboot package, they are built from the coreboot source package.

Cool. just checking we're all in total alignment and easier to frame as raw/bald questions :)

chris.lamb closed this task as Resolved.Jun 20 2018, 13:01

Fixed in:

coreboot (4.8.1-0pureos1) green; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release. (Closes: PureOS:T452)
  * Use DEB_VERSION from /usr/share/dpkg/ in debian/rules instead of
    parsing the changelog ourselves.
  * debian/control:
    * Update Maintainer, Uploaders, Vcs-{Git,Browser} for PureOS.
    * Add a Homepage field.
  * Use HTTPS URI in debian/copyright.

 -- Chris Lamb <>  Wed, 20 Jun 2018 20:52:46 +0100