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Mar 16 2021

jonas.smedegaard closed T1036: rewrite VPN guideline to not use unavailable tool pipx as Invalid.

wrong issue tracker - moved to

Mar 16 2021, 04:32
jonas.smedegaard triaged T1036: rewrite VPN guideline to not use unavailable tool pipx as High priority.
Mar 16 2021, 04:25
jonas.smedegaard closed T1035: pipx: not available in Byzantium as Wontfix.

pipx is a technical tool, not intended for regular users. It was packaged for Debian as it was requested for the _administration_ of Librem One services but explicitly *not* for general use.

Mar 16 2021, 04:23
jonas.smedegaard renamed T1035: pipx: not available in Byzantium from `pipx` not available in Byzantium to pipx: not available in Byzantium.
Mar 16 2021, 04:19
mladen created T1035: pipx: not available in Byzantium.
Mar 16 2021, 04:15
jonas.smedegaard renamed T1034: network-manager-openvpn: fails to work with Librem Tunnel and some other OpenVPN services on byzantium from networkmanager-openvpn: fails to work with Librem Tunnel and some other OpenVPN services on byzantium to network-manager-openvpn: fails to work with Librem Tunnel and some other OpenVPN services on byzantium.
Mar 16 2021, 04:14 · Restricted Project
jonas.smedegaard renamed T1034: network-manager-openvpn: fails to work with Librem Tunnel and some other OpenVPN services on byzantium from Librem Tunnel and some other OpenVPN services not working with networkmanager-openvpn-1.8.12 on byzantium to networkmanager-openvpn: fails to work with Librem Tunnel and some other OpenVPN services on byzantium.
Mar 16 2021, 04:12 · Restricted Project
mladen updated the task description for T1034: network-manager-openvpn: fails to work with Librem Tunnel and some other OpenVPN services on byzantium.
Mar 16 2021, 04:11 · Restricted Project
mladen added a comment to T1034: network-manager-openvpn: fails to work with Librem Tunnel and some other OpenVPN services on byzantium.

Arch Linux discussion:

Mar 16 2021, 04:05 · Restricted Project
mladen triaged T1034: network-manager-openvpn: fails to work with Librem Tunnel and some other OpenVPN services on byzantium as High priority.
Mar 16 2021, 04:05 · Restricted Project

Mar 15 2021

jeremiah.foster updated the task description for T960: Byzantium on the mini reports 404s for certain packages.
Mar 15 2021, 10:15
jonas.smedegaard closed T81: unp - suggests non-free packages unace unrar unarj, and treats missing tool as errors, a subtask of T225: [FREEDOM ISSUE] META - mentions FSDG-nonfree stuff, as Invalid.
Mar 15 2021, 08:53 · Freedom
jonas.smedegaard closed T81: unp - suggests non-free packages unace unrar unarj, and treats missing tool as errors as Invalid.

as previously noted, this is a non-issue: no non-free package is suggested because the suggested package is not registered in apt so it is neither free nor non-free, it is instead nonexistent.

Mar 15 2021, 08:53
jonas.smedegaard closed T79: [FREEDOM ISSUE] p7zip-full, a subtask of T367: PureOS is not fully in sync with Debian, as Invalid.
Mar 15 2021, 08:51
jonas.smedegaard closed T79: [FREEDOM ISSUE] p7zip-full as Invalid.

as previously noted, this is a non-issue: no non-free package is suggested because the suggested package is not registered in apt so it is neither free nor non-free, it is instead nonexistent.

Mar 15 2021, 08:51
jonas.smedegaard closed T80: xarchiver suggests nonfree package rar as Invalid.

as previously noted, this is a non-issue since the package cannot really suggest something that does not exist as a package registered with apt.

Mar 15 2021, 08:48
jonas.smedegaard closed T80: xarchiver suggests nonfree package rar, a subtask of T367: PureOS is not fully in sync with Debian, as Invalid.
Mar 15 2021, 08:48

Mar 12 2021

jonas.smedegaard triaged T1033: libhandy-1: Vcs-Browse and Vcs-Git URLs are broken as Normal priority.
Mar 12 2021, 16:31

Mar 11 2021

jeremiah.foster edited the content of Packaging Overview.
Mar 11 2021, 13:30 · Unknown Object (Project), Restricted Project, Restricted Project
francois created T1032: Debian logo on the Plymouth boot animation.
Mar 11 2021, 04:24
guido created T1031: Please update dpkg in byzantium.
Mar 11 2021, 01:22 · Restricted Project

Mar 9 2021

jonas.smedegaard triaged T1030: phosh: Vcs-Browse and Vcs-Git points to Debian as Normal priority.
Mar 9 2021, 13:07 · Restricted Project, Restricted Project
jonas.smedegaard added a comment to T1029: packaging guidelines should document how to stop forking from Debian, preferrably mandating specific suffix.

I have tested and can confirm that the use of suffix purge works to drop local fork: shows the packages I uploaded, and shows (at the time of writing this) that landing now contains the package from Debian.

Mar 9 2021, 11:30
jonas.smedegaard triaged T1029: packaging guidelines should document how to stop forking from Debian, preferrably mandating specific suffix as Normal priority.
Mar 9 2021, 11:22
jonas.smedegaard added a comment to T1023: PureOS guidelines should require (not only suggest) changing Maintainer.

Looks good.

Mar 9 2021, 08:37
jeremiah.foster added a comment to T1023: PureOS guidelines should require (not only suggest) changing Maintainer. Please review.

Mar 9 2021, 08:06
jeremiah.foster edited the content of Packaging Overview.
Mar 9 2021, 08:05 · Unknown Object (Project), Restricted Project, Restricted Project
jeremiah.foster edited the content of Packaging Overview.
Mar 9 2021, 08:04 · Unknown Object (Project), Restricted Project, Restricted Project
jeremiah.foster edited projects for Packaging Overview, added: Restricted Project, Restricted Project, Unknown Object (Project); removed Restricted Project.
Mar 9 2021, 08:02 · Unknown Object (Project), Restricted Project, Restricted Project
jeremiah.foster added a comment to T1023: PureOS guidelines should require (not only suggest) changing Maintainer.

Good points.

Mar 9 2021, 07:56
alexander.mikhaylenko added a comment to T1022: webkit2gtk: Vcs-Browse and Vcs-Git points to Debian.

Mar 9 2021, 06:47 · Restricted Project, Restricted Project
sbouet added a comment to T920: BIOS Does Not "See" Correctly Created LiveUSB.

The same for me with UEFI, I tried several software including the recommended Etcher without ever succeeding in obtaining a bootable USB key, and with several USB keys, before resigning myself. It's a shame, the other distributions are not a problem. What is missing from the ISO image?

Mar 9 2021, 02:42

Mar 8 2021

jonas.smedegaard reopened T1023: PureOS guidelines should require (not only suggest) changing Maintainer as "Open".

Sorry to reopen, but I think the Guidelines are currently in a confusingly odd state:

Mar 8 2021, 15:53
jonas.smedegaard added a comment to T1024: PureOS guidelines should require setting/updating Vcs-Broser and Vcs-Git fields.

Thanks for a swift resolution.

Mar 8 2021, 15:30
jonas.smedegaard added a comment to T1023: PureOS guidelines should require (not only suggest) changing Maintainer.


Mar 8 2021, 15:29
jeremiah.foster closed T1023: PureOS guidelines should require (not only suggest) changing Maintainer as Resolved.
Mar 8 2021, 12:47
jeremiah.foster added a comment to T1023: PureOS guidelines should require (not only suggest) changing Maintainer.

I made the changes to the debian/control file (maintainer email address, VCS-*) mandatory.

Mar 8 2021, 12:46
jeremiah.foster edited the content of Packaging Overview.
Mar 8 2021, 12:45 · Unknown Object (Project), Restricted Project, Restricted Project
jeremiah.foster closed T1024: PureOS guidelines should require setting/updating Vcs-Broser and Vcs-Git fields as Resolved.
Mar 8 2021, 12:43
jeremiah.foster added a comment to T1024: PureOS guidelines should require setting/updating Vcs-Broser and Vcs-Git fields.


Mar 8 2021, 12:43
jeremiah.foster edited the content of Packaging Overview.
Mar 8 2021, 12:37 · Unknown Object (Project), Restricted Project, Restricted Project
jonas.smedegaard triaged T1028: rust-xkbcommon: Vcs-Browser and Vcs-Git points to Debian as Normal priority.
Mar 8 2021, 12:22 · Restricted Project, Restricted Project
jonas.smedegaard triaged T1027: squeekboard: Vcs-Browser and Vcs-Git not declared as Normal priority.
Mar 8 2021, 12:16 · Restricted Project, Restricted Project
jonas.smedegaard triaged T1026: uefitool: Vcs-Browser and Vcs-Git not declared as Normal priority.
Mar 8 2021, 11:59 · Restricted Project
jonas.smedegaard reopened T81: unp - suggests non-free packages unace unrar unarj, and treats missing tool as errors, a subtask of T225: [FREEDOM ISSUE] META - mentions FSDG-nonfree stuff, as Open.
Mar 8 2021, 11:50 · Freedom
jonas.smedegaard reopened T81: unp - suggests non-free packages unace unrar unarj, and treats missing tool as errors as "Open".
Mar 8 2021, 11:49
jonas.smedegaard removed a project from T81: unp - suggests non-free packages unace unrar unarj, and treats missing tool as errors: Freedom-harm: suggests nonfree package.

unp does not suggest a non-free package, only a non-existent one.

Mar 8 2021, 11:48
jonas.smedegaard added a comment to T987: Resource temporarily unavailable [IP: 443] (notorious https).

What exactly was tested 1000 times? some apt tool using an up-to-date libapt, or something more low-level?

Mar 8 2021, 11:13
jeremiah.foster added a comment to T1019: Package btrfs-progs breaks package initramfs-tools (< 0.137).

I can confirm this;

Mar 8 2021, 11:01 · Restricted Project
jeremiah.foster assigned T1018: Please turn off paging on to mak.
Mar 8 2021, 11:01 · Restricted Project
jonas.smedegaard triaged T1025: util-linux: Vcs-Browse and Vcs-Git points to Debian as Normal priority.
Mar 8 2021, 11:00 · Restricted Project, Restricted Project
jeremiah.foster added a comment to T987: Resource temporarily unavailable [IP: 443] (notorious https).

I did two runs of 1000 calls to the server and did not see any anomalies.

Mar 8 2021, 10:59
jonas.smedegaard updated the task description for T1022: webkit2gtk: Vcs-Browse and Vcs-Git points to Debian.
Mar 8 2021, 10:59 · Restricted Project, Restricted Project
jeremiah.foster added a comment to T987: Resource temporarily unavailable [IP: 443] (notorious https).
Certificate version: 3
Valid from: Oct  7 19:21:40 2020 GMT
Valid to  : Sep 29 19:21:40 2021 GMT
Public key is 2048 bits
The issuer name is /O=Digital Signature Trust Co./CN=DST Root CA X3
The subject name is /C=US/O=Let's Encrypt/CN=R3
Extension Count: 8
Peer certificate
Certificate version: 3
Valid from: Feb 27 18:12:29 2021 GMT
Valid to  : May 28 18:12:29 2021 GMT
Public key is 2048 bits
The issuer name is /C=US/O=Let's Encrypt/CN=R3
The subject name is /
Extension Count: 9
Transport Protocol      :TLSv1.2
Cipher Suite Protocol   :TLSv1.2
Cipher Suite Name       :ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256
Cipher Suite Cipher Bits:128 (128)
    Protocol  : TLSv1.2
    Cipher    : ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256
    Session-ID: 39DB1E294804DA2D5AB727DE4CF12062B4FA46A36F9DFA278CD675B3535CE0FD
    Master-Key: BCF95A63D726D1B9685B5293C6212D1CBD8620E94904D9D3A4CA8B6A9EAA6CF5976F668441B9F8F4DF24A70F457C5422
    PSK identity: None
    PSK identity hint: None
    SRP username: None
    TLS session ticket lifetime hint: 86400 (seconds)
    TLS session ticket:
    0000 - b1 a5 92 f4 25 9b 67 fc-d5 c9 5e 0b 0d ba e7 5e   ....%.g...^....^
    0010 - 66 2e d9 f2 68 3a 4f e9-3e 00 9d 33 7b e2 66 49   f...h:O.>..3{.fI
    0020 - ff 93 f6 af 6a a0 64 7b-84 eb fc 07 f1 bf 10 ba   ....j.d{........
    0030 - 48 55 66 ca 4a 9e 44 de-3b 5e 7b f9 e0 e9 23 6a   HUf.J.D.;^{...#j
    0040 - 88 6f 52 da 28 43 c3 92-2b 9a da f7 d4 f1 3b 9c   .oR.(C..+.....;.
    0050 - 2e 6f 9c a3 71 78 cf f2-4d e6 b1 62 16 87 c3 01   .o..qx..M..b....
    0060 - 58 7d b4 9f 89 e2 e2 98-39 71 3b bd 05 06 5d 22   X}......9q;...]"
    0070 - 0e b6 fc 17 2c 86 08 13-3c e3 65 24 a3 7b 45 9a   ....,...<.e$.{E.
    0080 - 31 10 70 30 1e d7 64 92-09 b4 10 bf 09 e9 be 10   1.p0..d.........
    0090 - 18 56 32 e6 60 bf 0f 24-10 ae df 8f 48 b9 8f 48   .V2.`..$....H..H
    00a0 - 1c e3 fa bc 2b a7 d2 52-da 1f cf 28 d1 01 cd 95   ....+..R...(....
    00b0 - 91 6b c6 b2 9d 60 96 a1-24 51 18 92 19 c9 ab 3b   .k...`..$Q.....;
Mar 8 2021, 10:59
jonas.smedegaard triaged T1024: PureOS guidelines should require setting/updating Vcs-Broser and Vcs-Git fields as Normal priority.
Mar 8 2021, 10:53
jonas.smedegaard triaged T1023: PureOS guidelines should require (not only suggest) changing Maintainer as Normal priority.
Mar 8 2021, 10:49
jonas.smedegaard updated the task description for T1021: wlroots: Vcs-Browse and Vcs-Git points to Debian.
Mar 8 2021, 10:43 · Restricted Project, Restricted Project
jonas.smedegaard updated the task description for T1020: wys: Vcs-Browse and Vcs-Git points to Debian.
Mar 8 2021, 10:42 · Restricted Project
jonas.smedegaard triaged T1022: webkit2gtk: Vcs-Browse and Vcs-Git points to Debian as Normal priority.
Mar 8 2021, 10:42 · Restricted Project, Restricted Project
jonas.smedegaard triaged T1021: wlroots: Vcs-Browse and Vcs-Git points to Debian as Normal priority.
Mar 8 2021, 10:09 · Restricted Project, Restricted Project
jonas.smedegaard updated the task description for T1020: wys: Vcs-Browse and Vcs-Git points to Debian.
Mar 8 2021, 10:09 · Restricted Project
jonas.smedegaard updated the task description for T1020: wys: Vcs-Browse and Vcs-Git points to Debian.
Mar 8 2021, 10:08 · Restricted Project
jeremiah.foster added a comment to T987: Resource temporarily unavailable [IP: 443] (notorious https).
Server Software:        nginx/1.10.3
Server Hostname:
Server Port:            443
SSL/TLS Protocol:       TLSv1.2,ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256,2048,128
Server Temp Key:        X25519 253 bits
TLS Server Name:
Mar 8 2021, 09:47
jonas.smedegaard triaged T1020: wys: Vcs-Browse and Vcs-Git points to Debian as Normal priority.
Mar 8 2021, 09:39 · Restricted Project
jeremiah.foster triaged T1019: Package btrfs-progs breaks package initramfs-tools (< 0.137) as Normal priority.
Mar 8 2021, 08:25 · Restricted Project
jeremiah.foster updated subscribers of T1013: Take reproduciblity into account for package migrations.

This is a good idea @guido, thanks for logging this. Package reproducibility is easy to test with reprotest, I'll check with @mak to see where we can include this.

Mar 8 2021, 08:24

Mar 6 2021

akagusu created T1019: Package btrfs-progs breaks package initramfs-tools (< 0.137).
Mar 6 2021, 09:26 · Restricted Project

Mar 5 2021

joshuadollar updated joshuadollar.
Mar 5 2021, 04:25

Mar 4 2021

mak added a comment to T987: Resource temporarily unavailable [IP: 443] (notorious https).

I also tried messing with timeouts on APTs transport methods, with no luck - according to APT, the server just stops responding (according to curl though, it doesn't).

Mar 4 2021, 15:23
mak added a comment to T987: Resource temporarily unavailable [IP: 443] (notorious https).

I pasted the wrong log, but the connection timeout is actually even more frequent now than the Resource temporarily unavailable issue - but both appear.

Mar 4 2021, 14:53
mak added a comment to T987: Resource temporarily unavailable [IP: 443] (notorious https).

I tested this with https::Verify-Peer false, still the same issue happens:

Fetched 1016 MB in 4min 12s (4025 kB/s)                                        
2021/03/04 22:30:39 apt | E: Failed to fetch  Connection timed out [IP: 443]
2021/03/04 22:30:39 apt | E: Failed to fetch  Connection timed out [IP: 443]
2021/03/04 22:30:39 apt | E: Failed to fetch  Connection timed out [IP: 443]
2021/03/04 22:30:39 apt | E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?
Mar 4 2021, 14:31
guido closed T1017: Please drop callaudiod 0.0.5-1+pureos1 from landing as Resolved.

removed from landng as per request

Mar 4 2021, 00:23
guido closed T1009: rust-xkbcommon: Please drop 0.4.0-0pureos1 from landing as Wontfix.

odd tarball in the archive - lets revisit for > 0.4.0

Mar 4 2021, 00:22

Mar 3 2021

evangelos.tzaras published a new version of Uploading Packages to PureOS.
Mar 3 2021, 10:17
evangelos.tzaras changed the visibility for Uploading Packages to PureOS.
Mar 3 2021, 10:00
evangelos.tzaras changed the visibility for Uploading Packages to PureOS.
Mar 3 2021, 09:56
jeremiah.foster empowered guido as an administrator.
Mar 3 2021, 09:15
guido added a comment to T1017: Please drop callaudiod 0.0.5-1+pureos1 from landing.

cleaned up in landing

Mar 3 2021, 08:23
guido added a comment to T1009: rust-xkbcommon: Please drop 0.4.0-0pureos1 from landing.

we can close this since we can't clean it up for byzantium due to a tarball checksum mismatch - i lack the power to close bugs thouh.

Mar 3 2021, 08:22
guido created T1018: Please turn off paging on
Mar 3 2021, 06:26 · Restricted Project

Mar 2 2021

jansenmarco09 added a comment to T1017: Please drop callaudiod 0.0.5-1+pureos1 from landing.
Mar 2 2021, 21:42
jeremiah.foster updated the task description for T997: Document synchrotron.
Mar 2 2021, 09:54 · Unknown Object (Project)
jeremiah.foster added a comment to T997: Document synchrotron.

Mar 2 2021, 09:54 · Unknown Object (Project)
jeremiah.foster edited the content of Synchrotron.
Mar 2 2021, 09:53
guido created T1017: Please drop callaudiod 0.0.5-1+pureos1 from landing.
Mar 2 2021, 05:58
guido created T1016: Rebuild all packages on import from Debian.
Mar 2 2021, 03:32
guido created T1015: Please add an auto-forward porter.
Mar 2 2021, 03:28 · Restricted Project
guido added a comment to T1014: Please allow to build from git tags.

Note that on the phone side we use a separate system to allow for this but it woudl be great if laneakia would handle that natively since this would shorten the pipeline where anything could go wrong and it makes it quicker to spot problems.

Mar 2 2021, 03:25 · Restricted Project
guido created T1014: Please allow to build from git tags.
Mar 2 2021, 03:24 · Restricted Project
guido created T1013: Take reproduciblity into account for package migrations.
Mar 2 2021, 03:22
guido added a comment to T872: archive: Need a way to block packages from migrating to amber-phone / byzantium.

A likey simple way would be to assume a fixed location in gitlab like

Mar 2 2021, 03:11 · Restricted Project
guido renamed T872: archive: Need a way to block packages from migrating to amber-phone / byzantium from archive: Need a way to block packages from migrating to amber-phone to archive: Need a way to block packages from migrating to amber-phone / byzantium.
Mar 2 2021, 03:09 · Restricted Project
guido created T1012: Please provide scripts to update downstream forks.
Mar 2 2021, 02:37
guido renamed T1011: Please provide scripts to create downstream forks from Please provide scripts to manager downstream forks to Please provide scripts to create downstream forks.
Mar 2 2021, 02:33
guido created T1011: Please provide scripts to create downstream forks.
Mar 2 2021, 02:33
guido updated the task description for T1010: synchrotron: source and target columns look swapped.
Mar 2 2021, 02:27
guido created T1010: synchrotron: source and target columns look swapped.
Mar 2 2021, 02:27

Mar 1 2021

guido created T1009: rust-xkbcommon: Please drop 0.4.0-0pureos1 from landing.
Mar 1 2021, 09:37
alvesadrian added a comment to T848: Package Shortwave for the Librem 5.

Still working on this flatpak

Mar 1 2021, 07:42 · Restricted Project
alvesadrian added a comment to T963: Package Tootle for the Librem 5.

I'm working on a flatpak for Tootle

Mar 1 2021, 07:41 · Restricted Project