When trying to install btrfs-progs, it wants to remove the following packages: initramfs-tools pureos-minimal pureos-plasma pureos-standard, because btrfs-progs breaks initiramfs-tools (< 0.137) and triggers a chain reaction;btrfs-progs wants to remove initramfs-tools but pureos-plasma depends on pureos-standard which depends on pureos-minimal which depends on initramfs-tools.
Steps to reproduce
sudo apt install btrfs-progs ... ... The following packages will be REMOVED: initramfs-tools pureos-minimal pureos-plasma pureos-standard ... ...
When checking btrfs-progs dependencies, apt-cache depends btrfs-progs returns the following:
apt-cache depends btrfs-progs btrfs-progs Depends: libblkid1 Depends: libc6 Depends: libcom-err2 Depends: libext2fs2 Depends: liblzo2-2 Depends: libmount1 Depends: libuuid1 Depends: libzstd1 Depends: zlib1g Depends: libgcc-s1 Breaks: btrbk Breaks: initramfs-tools Breaks: libgcc-s1 Suggests: duperemove
Suggested solution
The version of initramfs-tools from PureOS is 0.132 which breaks btrfs-progs. Sync initiramfs-tools from PureOS with initramfs-tools from Debian should fix the problem since the version of initramfs-toolsfrom Debian is 0.139, although I don't know what are the implications of that.