Code actively checks for and favor use of nonfree code when available.
FSF guidelines for systems forbids to "steer users towards obtaining any nonfree information for practical use, or encourage them to do so."
Code actively checks for and favor use of nonfree code when available.
FSF guidelines for systems forbids to "steer users towards obtaining any nonfree information for practical use, or encourage them to do so."
Really the package suggests a non-existent package which is not an issue.
Some package exist outside of PureOS which happen to contain non-free code, but the relevant issue here is whether PureOS is encouraging the use of non-free code which is not the case.
Thank you David. I'm going to take the C as a passing grade and close this tracker item concluding that Gitlab CE is sufficiently free for our purposes.
Note that FSF give GitLab a C-grade "Acceptable hosting for a GNU package", noting "All JavaScript code served to the client is free, but does not work with LibreJS enabled."
More discussion on this topic upstream:
NB: This thread ^^ is about Gitlab Community Edition.
Status "invalid" more accurate than "closed".