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- User Since
- Nov 6 2016, 08:28 (438 w, 9 h)
Jul 19 2023
this issue may be obsolete because base-files on byzantium is now at 11.1pureos1, which satisfies the "Depends:" of nuitka.
Jan 27 2022
can someone who knows what they are doing add step-by-step instructions (perhaps on the pureos wiki) for a user like me who has byzantium installed giving the exact steps that the user needs to take to enable use of the debug-symbol packages that pureos does build (which seem to be in landing rather than in byzantium) together with those of the debug-symbol packages that debian builds which are usable with a byzantium install. these instructions need to specify what exact strings need to be added to which exact configuration files and what exact commands need to be typed to get the necessary debug-symbol packages installed. unfortunately, as an end user, i do not have the spare days to keep trying to find the necessary strings and configuration files and commands until i succeed. thanks for any help you can provide!
Jan 23 2022
@mak does this mean that the most correct solution for many people will be to simply uninstall fwupd because it is useless for them? i don't remember installing it. it is "Recommends:" by pureos-gnome and gnome-software, but i don't have things configured to automatically install packages simply because they are mentioned in "Recommends:" fields. i think it came preinstalled on my librem 14.
Jan 4 2022
Dec 19 2021
Oct 28 2021
I have not been able to use nuitka at all because the only version available in byzantium depends on a too-new version of base-files.
Oct 8 2021
Aug 4 2021
What I'm wondering is: why isn't the necessary data automatically generated at package build time and included as a file (perhaps named PACKAGE.contents) in the .deb file? Then to build the Contents file for a repo would just involve scanning through all the .deb files and extracting the .contents file from each and then concatenating them. I don't understand the Debian package build system well enough to know why it doesn't work this way.
[Update: I now see that this is T155. Possibly this should be marked as a duplicate of that? I don't yet know how to do that.]