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- User Since
- Jul 27 2018, 00:34 (342 w, 5 d)
Nov 27 2020
May 4 2019
Dec 1 2018
This just got fixed with yesterday's updates. Excellent!
Oct 31 2018
Oct 16 2018
This was fixed on 2018-10-15 with Thunar update 1.8.2-1. Debian testing package changelog ( ) reads in part:
Oct 8 2018
Thanks for the info on exiftool. I installed it and compared its output with pdfinfo, which was already installed as part of the poppler-utils package. There are slight differences (pdfinfo gives the page size), but both just do not report a nonexistent Creation Date or Modify Date. So at least they don't make up a bogus date for either of those.
As of today 2018-10-08, after intervening system updates, this issue persists. In the meantime I had to install an Xubuntu VM in Boxes, and then install Firefox within the VM.
I'm logged in under GNOME (default Wayland), not GNOME on Xorg, and I get this from gnome-logs after Thunar crashes:
As of today's updates (2018-10-08), this issue persists and is still seen with a number of applications: PureBrowser, GNOME Web (Epiphany), Kate, and Okular. It seems to have been fixed for GNOME Files (Nautilus) and Thunar.
Sep 21 2018
Should I be going to the cairo project to report this?
gnome-logs shows that AppArmor is denying something with snap, which is how I've installed Firefox. Firefox had not been updated in a while, so something else was changed during one of the recent PureOS updates. I'm not new to the concept of reverse firewalls, but I'm a complete newbie to AppArmor, so will have to dig in.
Even though Nautilus' own "About" dialog showed version 3.30.0-stable, it was actually version 3.30.0-1. I just saw an update to 3.30.0-4, checked the bugs at , and saw other people had the same bugs. This just got fixed in version 3.30.0-4. Whew, I was about to install Dolphin or Thunar.
Sep 20 2018
Definitely does not matter if there are multiple tabs or not for Nautilus to crash. Fast or slow typing both produce a crash. Pasting into the search field so far does not produce a crash. In one case, %CPU reached 200% and Nautilus became unresponsive for long enough that I killed the process. All this is completely new behavior with 3.30.0-stable and never happened with the prior version,, which was rock solid.
Sep 19 2018
As of 2018-09-19 KeePassXC has not failed throughout all the updates through yesterday.
Sep 17 2018
I also just got the 3.30.0 update for GNOME Screenshot, and 'Grab the current window' still shows the display corruption. As before, 'Grab the whole screen' and 'Select area to grab' do not have any problem. So, the bug is limited to grabbing a window.
Sep 14 2018
Yesterday’s system update showed many GNOME packages upgraded to 3.30.0, but it did not fix this issue.
Aug 16 2018
I agree.
Aug 9 2018
This just got fixed in the most recent round of upgrades.
Aug 8 2018
This looks like the same issue I'm having. My system uses English, so from the shell:
Does it look like this? If so, it's probably the same issue reported at