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- User Since
- Aug 31 2017, 12:02 (395 w, 4 d)
May 28 2021
@jonas.smedegaard not an issue, the script in question is deprecated, and it's not part of PureOS (nor should it be)
@jonas.smedegaard no to both
@jonas.smedegaard no to both
May 27 2021
not a PureOS issue. Also, me_cleaner is pretty much dormant/dead
this can be closed, flashrom doesn't whitelist anymore
not a PureOS issue
Feb 3 2021
just to add - this is during video playback (e.g. YouTube)
Apr 28 2020
Jul 15 2019
@nicole you said "I am not sure if this issue relates to Coreboot," I was simply confirming that it does not / is a different issue altogether :)
@nicole this isn't a coreboot issue. If you boot a Qubes 4.0.1 ISO (eg) and run memtest from there, it works perfectly fine.
May 28 2019
best I can tell, this is an issue with compiling memtest86+ with gcc-8, and not something that can be easily fixed within the framework of current coreboot toolchain
Mar 4 2019
additional note: this doesn't appear to be a kernel issue, as I installed the Liquorix kernel and had the same result there - so must be one of the underlying packages libusb depends on
Feb 5 2019
Assuming the same/similar tools are used to build PureOS as Debian, it shouldn't be that difficult to add I would think. And given that modern systems no longer ship with Legacy Boot/CSM, users who want to give PureOS a try are left without a viable option outside of a VM. I'd think that rates higher than a 'low' priority, but that's just me :)
Jul 15 2018
actually, you'd want to change the link to use the latest commit hash, not master, otherwise the script will break again next time the microcode is updated. So instead use:**B_2018-03-22_PRD_0B0DD00D**.bin//