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GNOME Web jumps to maximum audio volume
Updated 1,591 Days AgoPublic

Main PageTroubleshootingFlat volumes

GNOME Web jumps to maximum audio volume when playing sound

This is an issue that can occur when watching videos in GNOME Web. It is due to a configuration in the PulseAudio Daemon configuration.

To fix it open the terminal application Tilix and run the following command to open the configuration file:

sudo nano /etc/pulse/daemon.conf

Your will be asked for your user password, type it and press ENTER.

And edit this line, from:

; flat-volumes = yes


flat-volumes = no

Press Ctrl+X to exit app, you will be asked to save, press y here and then press ENTER to save, without modifying the path. Editor will be closed after this.

Then reboot your laptop to apply the changes.

Last Author
Last Edited
Mar 18 2020, 14:38

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joao.azevedo created this object.Feb 27 2020, 07:07
mladen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Mar 18 2020, 14:37
mladen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
Atarian added a subscriber: Atarian.May 12 2020, 13:26
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