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Change Disk Encryption Password
Updated 802 Days AgoPublic

Main PagePureOSTips & TricksChange Disk Encryption Password

How to change the password of an encrypted LVM system

IMPORTANT: You might want to backup your data to an external hard disk before doing this, as a precaution.

For laptops

Method 1: Using the terminal

LUKS allows for an encrypted partition/system to have multiple passwords and also to remove them. So to change the password we first add the new password and then remove the old one.

  • Get the name of the encrypted volume

Open the terminal application Tilix and type the command:

It will show you the name of the partition, ignore /boot and /swap


NOTE: In this case the encrypted volume is called sda2, but on your machine it can have a different name. Make sure you adjusted these commands to with the name of your device!

Add a new password

  • In Tilix run the command:

sudo cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/device_name

  • It will ask you for your user password, type it and press enter.


  • Next you will be asked for the old disk encryption password, type it and press enter.


  • Type the new password you want for the encrypted disk, and press enter


  • Confirm the new password and press enter


The new password is now added


Removing the old password

From Tilix run the command:
sudo cryptsetup luksRemoveKey /dev/device_name


  • Type the password that you want to delete and press enter


Method 2: Using GNOME DISKS

Start up GNOME Disks and click the encrypted volume you wish to change the password for, click the gear icon and select Change Passphrase...:


Enter your current and new password, and that's it:


For the Librem 5

Method 1: Using the terminal

You can use the exact same method as described for laptops. Either from the device terminal application or from ssh.

Method 2: Using GNOME DISKS

Start up GNOME Disks:


Select the storage unit:


Select the LUKS partition and press the settings button:


Select "Change Passphrase":


Type your USER password, and press "Authenticate":


Type in their respective fields:

  • the current Disk Encryption Passphrase
  • the new Passphrase
  • confirm the new Passphrase
  • press "change"


Last Author
Last Edited
May 16 2022, 12:45

Event Timeline

mladen created this document.Sep 15 2017, 13:47
mladen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
mladen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Oct 29 2017, 14:08
mladen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Nov 1 2017, 09:41
mladen changed the edit policy from "All Users" to "Restricted Project (Project)".May 10 2018, 07:52
mladen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Aug 10 2018, 12:23
mladen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
jeremiah.foster edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Jan 28 2019, 11:00
joao.azevedo edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Jun 20 2019, 08:24
Wildfire added a subscriber: Wildfire.EditedDec 29 2020, 10:39

luks cryptsetup- trying to change encrypt pw
I see the warning, about using GNOME Disks to change the pw. I went to the link, and checked for updates to the string. Seems that mladen posted an update back in June 2020 that this issue was resolved. "Debian bug report: indicates that this has been fixed."
We are now headed in Jan 2021, can anyone confirm this to be true? I would prefer not to be the "ginny pig".
I tried the terminal route first and ran into some issues and did not work out as described above. My drives are set up differently, I have two drives in this machine and not listed as sda's.
Before I dove down that rabbit hole, I figured I would revisit using GNOME Disks, as it would be far easier, if its safe.
I don't have a virtual machine set up yet to test it out on.
Feedback please.
12-30-20 update- used the GNOME Disks and reset the passphrase with no issues.

PS - Does anyone know what the little reset hole on the bottom of my Lib15 actually does? Does it restore the laptop to factory default and wipe everything? This is a fresh machine, no data to lose yet, so that is not much of an issue to go back to (Off Shelf Factory Default) and start the set up process over. I don't however get locked out of my drive by screwing up the pw reset,

mladen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Jul 5 2021, 09:30
joao.azevedo edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Nov 8 2021, 06:52

@Wildfire yes, this is fixed in Debian Bullseye

Wildfire added a comment.Nov 8 2021, 18:53

Awesome, thanks for the feedback.
I used the GNOME Disks and reset the passphrase with no issues, worked pretty smoothly, no issues since.
My L15 is still hummin along just fine.

This is off track for this thread, sorry, but was still wondering..... can someone answer the last question, about the little tiny reset hole in the bottom of my L15 is for? It has a round circle printed around it with an arrow, which I would assume means reset, reset what is the question?
I have researched the manuals and docs that I can find, no mention anywhere of what its for. I am guessing that because its near the kill switches, that it might have something to do with the WiFi?
Just curious, no one seems to know in the forums either.

joao.azevedo edited the content of this document. (Show Details)May 16 2022, 12:45