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Updated 1,860 Days AgoPublic

Main PagePureOSGNOME Desktop

This page describes setting up and fine-tuning your GNOME desktop environment in PureOS.

Accessibility | GNOME Universal access settings
Keyboard Layout | How to change keyboard layouts
Switching Between Layouts | How to quicky switch between Layouts
Tweak Tool | The GNOME Tweak Tool
GNOME Disks | Manipulate disk partitions and more with GNOME Disks
Default Applications | How to set default applications
Personal File Sharing | How to set up personal file sharing
Terminal Emulator | How to set up Tilix terminal emulator

Last Author
Last Edited
Jun 23 2019, 04:14

Event Timeline

mladen created this document.Oct 29 2017, 14:05
mladen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
mladen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
mladen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Oct 29 2017, 14:12
mladen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Dec 17 2017, 14:10
mladen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Dec 17 2017, 14:23
mladen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Dec 17 2017, 14:42
mladen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Jan 12 2018, 15:04
mladen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Jan 12 2018, 15:07
mladen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
mladen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
mladen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Mar 5 2018, 13:26
mladen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
mladen changed the edit policy from "All Users" to "Restricted Project (Project)".May 10 2018, 07:51
jeremiah.foster edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Apr 8 2019, 10:08
joao.azevedo edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Jun 10 2019, 09:48
joao.azevedo edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Jun 10 2019, 09:51
joao.azevedo edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
richard.kolla edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Jun 21 2019, 13:59
mladen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Jun 23 2019, 04:12
mladen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)