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- User Since
- Dec 5 2018, 07:46 (326 w, 3 d)
May 22 2020
May 19 2020
May 13 2020
I have a German keyboard layout, can I help?
May 7 2020
After several days and upgrades, it seems, that unattended-upgrades got removed automatically, so I don't bother anymore :)
Apr 8 2020
Oh btw, this has to be applied to v3 Librems as well, because the fix for the US keyboard breaks the | key on them as well.
Mar 21 2020
Feb 27 2020
Definitely need this, had this fixed already several times, but it seems to get overwritten when doing updates.
Oct 22 2019
I just wanted to point out, that it doesn't seem to be added via an update (but it should - in my opinion, if that's not an option it should be probably added in the wiki?)
I'm fine with the manual edit. :)
Jul 18 2019
Using the Qt-version on PureOS and the status icons aren't really needed. The popup for allowing a device looks a little bit out of place, but it works flawlessly.
Feb 14 2019
Is there a documentation available to configure this, now that it's possible to do now?
Feb 13 2019
Ok, the workaround described in T486 helps!
The EC firmware needs to be replaced.
Maybe this is a license issue, because the ROM is non-free and distributing it freely would be problematic, but maybe @mladen.pejakovic will tell us more.
Ok, got a reply from a Gnome dev, to reset the tracker via this command: tracker reset --hard
Feb 11 2019
It's still not clear how (what steps have to be done exactly) I (or Purism) can fix this issue and we all can agree that this issue shouldn't be existing, right?
Hmmm. Maybe the problem you're describing is not the problem I have, because the mapping shown in Gnome Settings/Region and Language (see the screenshot) shows the pipe key at the correct position and nope, I didn't choose the US keyboard layout at installation or anytime else.
At the testscreen it even shows that the pound sign (german layout on the right, left from enter) is pressed instead of the pipe sign (right from shift).
I'd prefer if it's fixed on the firmware level instead having a workaround installed, which only works PureOS.
Is it somehow possible to apply the firmware fix myself? (I'm dependent on it, I need it for work...)
Is the EC flashable on PureOS, or do I need an external programmer?
Jep, no change.
Ok, it reports 240-5pureos1 as the current installed version after apt full-upgrade, but it still inputs the pound sign instead of pipe.
Sorry, that was a bit to early :)
Jan 31 2019
Jan 30 2019
The build is still failing :(
Jan 29 2019
Did an upgrade and rebooted, it still reports 239-7pureos1.
Is the new version already in green?
Here's the output: 239-7pureos1
Jan 21 2019
Is it possible, that it's fixed on US and UK layouts, but on DE not?
Still have this issue...
Jan 14 2019
Jan 10 2019
I have a brandnew Librem 13 and installed the newest available PureOS version. Updated it in full and now it doesn't boot in normal or recovery mode, so I suppose it will be quite easy to replicate this issue..