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Slow system startup
Updated 2,335 Days AgoPublic

Main PageTroubleshootingSlow system startup

Troubleshoot slow system startup


System takes few minutes to start, but eventually it does get to the graphical user interface.


You can check how much time the system exactly needed to start if you run this command in terminal:


It will output something like this:


To see how long each of the services took to start, run:

systemd-analyze blame

which should give:


Use and to scroll the output, use Q to quit the command (to exit).

To output this into a text file, use:

systemd-analyze blame > startup.log

which will create startup.log text file in your home directory.


If you see some service took suspiciously longer time to start, you have to search the system logs to see if there is any particular problem. For example, running:

sudo journalctl -x -b -u NetworkManager-wait-online.service

will list logs just for this service, while running:

sudo journalctl -x -b

will allow you to examine all logs for the current boot session to see if there is any particular problem causing the slow system start.

Last Author
Last Edited
Mar 6 2018, 01:12

Event Timeline

mladen created this document.Mar 6 2018, 01:12
mladen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
mladen changed the edit policy from "All Users" to "Restricted Project (Project)".May 10 2018, 07:45