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Cannot sudo run
Updated 2,454 Days AgoPublic

Main PageTroubleshootingCannot sudo run command

Add your username to sudoers list

If you get the following error when trying to sudo run a command:

<USERNAME> is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported

you need to add your username to sudo group:

Open Terminal app and log into root session with:


(type the root password) then run the command:

usermod -a -G sudo username

where username is your login name (username). Log out and then log back in and now you can run commands using sudo.

Last Author
Last Edited
Nov 6 2017, 11:45

Event Timeline

mladen created this document.Oct 29 2017, 15:14
mladen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
mladen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Nov 6 2017, 11:45
mladen changed the edit policy from "All Users" to "Restricted Project (Project)".May 10 2018, 07:46