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Byd Driver Not Loaded
Updated 2,197 Days AgoPublic

Main PageTroubleshootingByd driver not loaded

BYD touchpad on Librem 13 rev1/Librem 15v2 is not recognized


There are no touchpad settings in GNOME control center.


Check if the touchpad driver is loaded (execute this command in your terminal):

cat /sys/bus/serio/devices/serio1/protocol

If the command returns ImPS/2, then the BYD touchpad driver is not loaded.


IMPORTANT: This only applies to laptops with BYD touchpads, notably Librem 13 rev1 and Librem 15 rev2.

Create a file (if doesn't exist) /etc/rc.local with the following content:

echo -n byd > /sys/bus/serio/devices/serio1/protocol

The file must be executable.

Terminal command to do all this:

sudo touch /etc/rc.local
sudo sh -c 'echo "#!/bin/bash\necho -n byd > /sys/bus/serio/devices/serio1/protocol" > /etc/rc.local'
sudo chmod +x /etc/rc.local

Restart for this to take effect.

Last Author
Last Edited
Jul 21 2018, 12:44

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mladen created this document.Jun 20 2017, 11:27
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mladen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
mladen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Jun 20 2017, 11:37
mladen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Jun 20 2017, 11:40
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mladen changed the edit policy from "All Users" to "Restricted Project (Project)".May 10 2018, 07:47
mladen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Jul 21 2018, 12:44