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PureBrowser to Firefox ESR
Updated 1,625 Days AgoPublic

Version 1 of 6: You are viewing an older version of this document, as it appeared on Feb 13 2020, 08:26.

Main PageGeneral RecommendationsPureBrowser to Firefox ESR

Moving PureBrowser Profile (bookmarks, history, addons, etc) into Firefox ESR

  • Go into PureBrowser - Click the menu button on the top right - Help - Troubleshooting Information. The Troubleshooting Information tab will open. Under the Application Basics section it will list your Profile Directory. Take note of path to the profile directory ` /home/USER/.purism/purebrowser/USERSTRING.default
    • If you have already been migrated to Firefox. Just cd ~/.purism/purebrowser/ and ls -al. This will list all files and directories. The directory named USERSTRING.default is the one.
      • If you have multiple USERSTRING.default then find the one with the date of the last time you used PureBrowser.
  • Open Tilix/Terminal and run cd ~/.purism/purebrowser/ and find the USERSTRING.default directory.
  • Run the update in Software, or apt, to now migrate to Firefox ESR.
  • Then run cp -r USERSTRING.default ~/.mozilla/firefox/ to move the profile folder over.
  • Now run firefox -P in Tilix/Terminal.
  • Select 'Create Profile' and then 'Next'
  • Enter a profile name or leave as it. Then Select 'Choose Folder'.
  • Click on your the USERSTRING.default directory that you just moved over and press 'Open'.
  • Click 'Finish' and 'Start Firefox'.
  • Firefox should load with all the tabs you had open before and everything else will have come over from PureBrowser. You are done!
    • NOTE 1 If using a search engine other than Google, you'll need to go into the menu button on the top right - Preferences - Search - select your Search Engine of choice from the drop down.
    • NOTE 2 We have transitioned from uBlock Origin to EFF's Privacy Badger. That should be the only difference in addons you see.

Made with help from from Mozilla's excellent Firefox Knowledge Base. See:

Last Author
Last Edited
Feb 13 2020, 08:26

Event Timeline

richard.kolla edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Feb 13 2020, 08:42
joao.azevedo edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Feb 13 2020, 09:53
richard.kolla edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Feb 13 2020, 11:58
richard.kolla edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Feb 13 2020, 12:12
richard.kolla edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Feb 18 2020, 06:49