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Package Migrations
Updated 1,933 Days AgoPublic

PureOS packages migrate from one 'suite' to another in a quality control process. For example, if you were interested in providing a package for the Librem 5 phone, you'd package your software and target amber-phone-staging suite for that package to land in. There it remains for four days and then will move to amber-phone.

Last Author
Last Edited
Nov 26 2019, 12:26

Event Timeline

jeremiah.foster edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Nov 26 2019, 12:26
guido added a subscriber: guido.Nov 3 2020, 02:09

since i don't have permissions to edit the content. If a package is blocked at
then it has Not touching package due to block request by laniakea in the list of excuses.