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NEW Queue
Updated 1,250 Days AgoPublic

The PureOS NEW queue

When a new package is uploaded to PureOS for the first time, it enters the "NEW queue", and awaits approval from an archive administrator. The archive admin will add an "override" for the package's section and priority to the archive database. Once this is complete the package is accepted into the package archive, source and binary packages are then available as well.

It's possible for packages to be stuck in the NEW queue for a few days and not show up in the landing suite. The landing suite is the destination for all packages upon upload to the archive. If you feel the package is being stuck in NEW for too long, notify an archive admin (currently @mak ).

Once a package is NEW processed it takes about 6h for it to enter the archive.

Current content of the NEW Queue

Last Author
Last Edited
Sep 20 2021, 07:47

Event Timeline

mladen moved this document from NEW Queue.Jun 20 2017, 09:41
jeremiah.foster edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Aug 21 2019, 15:50
jeremiah.foster added a project: Restricted Project.
jeremiah.foster added a subscriber: mak.
mladen changed the edit policy from "Restricted Project (Project)" to "Restricted Project (Project)".Aug 28 2020, 09:11
guido added a subscriber: guido.Nov 3 2020, 01:55

should that read 'If a package (source or binary) is new to a suite of the PureOS archive' since we need to new-process packages NEW in amber-phone that are in byzantium or is that a speciality of amber-phone?

guido edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Nov 3 2020, 01:55
mak added a comment.Nov 3 2020, 02:05

That depends on how the suite is set up and where it gets its overrides from - the phone suites do not share overrides with the main amber suite, so everything goes through NEW once (but that also means the changing overrides for the phone suite is easier and there is less room for error and it impacting one of the main suites).

jeremiah.foster edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Nov 4 2020, 06:20
guido edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Feb 15 2021, 01:29
jeremiah.foster published a new version of this document.Apr 29 2021, 12:26

I reverted to an older document because the NEW Queue is 404'ing at the moment.

guido edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Apr 30 2021, 01:04
guido published a new version of this document.
guido added a comment.Apr 30 2021, 01:07

I went ahead and fixed the link.

The link goes to Debian branded page with little or no useful content at the moment. Filed issue.

jeremiah.foster edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Sep 20 2021, 07:47