Version 2 vs 3
Version 2 vs 3
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{nav icon=home, name=Main Page >
icon=wrench, name=Troubleshooting >
System won't boot after upgrade}
System won't boot after upgrade
== Problem ==
System won't boot after upgrade, it hangs after successful unlock of the disk encryption, Purism logo is displayed. Pressing {key ESC} (escape key) only black screen with //cryptsetup (sda5_crypt): set up successfully// in the upper left corner appears.
== Solution ==
This can happen when system upgrade was interrupted or otherwise unsuccessful. Follow these steps to fix this:
1. Press {key Ctrl+F2} to open another virtual terminal
2. Login by entering your username (press {key ENTER} afterwards) and then enter your password (press {key ENTER} to login)
3. Run the following command: {icon terminal}`sudo dpkg --configure -a`
4. When the above command finishes, run the [[Recommendations/Upgrading packages | command to upgrade your system again]]: {icon terminal}`sudo apt full-upgrade`
{nav icon=home, name=Main Page >
icon=wrench, name=Troubleshooting >
System won't boot after upgrade}
System won't boot after upgrade
== Problem ==
System won't boot after upgrade, it hangs after successful unlock of the disk encryption, Purism logo is displayed. Pressing ESC key only black screen with //cryptsetup (sda5_crypt): set up successfully// in the upper left corner appears.
== Solution ==
This can happen when system upgrade was interrupted or otherwise unsuccessful. Follow these steps to fix this:
1. Press {key Ctrl+F2} to open another virtual terminal
2. Login by entering your username (press {key ENTER} afterwards) and then enter your password (press {key ENTER} to login)
3. Run the following command: {icon terminal}`sudo dpkg --configure -a`
4. When the above command finishes, run the [[Recommendations/Upgrading packages | command to upgrade your system again]]: {icon terminal}`sudo apt full-upgrade`
{nav icon=home, name=Main Page >
icon=wrench, name=Troubleshooting >
System won't boot after upgrade}
System won't boot after upgrade
== Problem ==
System won't boot after upgrade, it hangs after successful unlock of the disk encryption, Purism logo is displayed. Pressing {key ESC} (escapeESC key) only black screen with //cryptsetup (sda5_crypt): set up successfully// in the upper left corner appears.
== Solution ==
This can happen when system upgrade was interrupted or otherwise unsuccessful. Follow these steps to fix this:
1. Press {key Ctrl+F2} to open another virtual terminal
2. Login by entering your username (press {key ENTER} afterwards) and then enter your password (press {key ENTER} to login)
3. Run the following command: {icon terminal}`sudo dpkg --configure -a`
4. When the above command finishes, run the [[Recommendations/Upgrading packages | command to upgrade your system again]]: {icon terminal}`sudo apt full-upgrade`