Version 6 vs 10
Version 6 vs 10
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{nav icon=home, name=Main Page >
icon=cogs, name=Installation Guide >
Live system installation}
Guide through the process of installing PureOS from live instance
NOTE: This guide assumes that you have booted to live PureOS instance.
* Start the live PureOS instance from a USB you have [[ Recommendations/#preparing-to-install | prepared]].
* Choose option 1 (//Start live PureOS//) at the [[Installation Guide/Boot prompt | boot prompt]] and wait for the GNOME desktop to fully start.
1. Start the Calamares installer:
{F20416, alt=PureOS live instance 1, size=full}
2. Ensure that you are connected to the power supply and the internet, and click !!Next!!:
{F20418, alt=Calamares install 2, size=full}
3. Choose your time zone, set the system language and number and date locale:
{F20420, alt=Calamares install 3, size=full}
4. Select your keyboard layout:
{F20422, alt=Calamares install 4, size=full}
5. Disk partitioning. Assumed is that your disk is blank. You can choose automatic partitioning (**//Erase disk//** option), the installer will automatically partition your disk. You can also choose to manually partition your disk, continue to **//Manual partitioning//**:
{F20424, alt=Calamares install 5, size=full}
6. First, click !!New Partition Table!! to create new partition table:
{F20426, alt=Calamares install 6, size=full}
7. ...and select GPT (click !!OK!! to accept):
{F20428, alt=Calamares install 7, size=full}
8. Now click on free space and click !!Create!! to create first partition:
{F20430, alt=Calamares install 8, size=full}
9. Since we used GPT partition table, we need to create a partition with special flag. It can be of minimum size, so set the 1 MB size (installer might increase this value to something like 8 MB, ignore this), set File System to //unformatted// and select **bios-grub** flag (this is important). Click !!OK!! afterwards:
{F20432, alt=Calamares install 9, size=full}
10. Click on **//Free Space//** and then the !!Create!! to create next partition:
{F20434, alt=Calamares install 10, size=full}
11. In this example, swap partition is created next. Swap is needed for proper hibernation, and since the system has 8 GB of RAM, the size here is set to 7168 MB (7 GB). If your system has more RAM, make this partition larger. Choose !!linuxswap!! as file system:
{F20436, alt=Calamares install 11, size=full}
12. Next, create root partition (place where your system is going to be installed). In the example here the size is set to 20 GB. You can set it larger if you plan to install a lot of sotware. Choose !!ext4!! as filesystem, as it is the most stable and most tested. Don't use !!btrfs!! on your production builds! Set **/** for mount point:
{F20438, alt=Calamares install 12, size=full}
13. Create the home partition. This is the place where your data will reside. Use the rest of disk space. Set **/home** for mount point:
{F20440, alt=Calamares install 13, size=full}
14. Review your partitioning:
{F20442, alt=Calamares install 14, size=full}
15. Create a user:
{F20444, alt=Calamares install 15, size=full}
16. Review install instructions:
{F20446, alt=Calamares install 16, size=full}
17. ...and confirm the installation:
{F20448, alt=Calamares install 17, size=full}
18. Wait for few minutes:
{F20450, alt=Calamares install 18, size=full}
19. And restart after it is done.
{F20452, alt=Calamares install 19, size=full}
{nav icon=home, name=Main Page >
icon=cogs, name=Installation Guide >
Live system installation}
Guide through the process of installing PureOS from live instance
NOTE: This guide assumes that you have booted to live PureOS instance.
* Start the live PureOS instance from a USB you have [[ Recommendations/#preparing-to-install | prepared]].
* Choose option 1 (//Start live PureOS//) at the [[Installation Guide/Boot prompt | boot prompt]] and wait for the GNOME desktop to fully start.
1. Start the Calamares installer:
{F20416, alt=PureOS live instance 1, size=full}
2. Ensure that you are connected to the power supply and the internet, and click !!Next!!:
{F20418, alt=Calamares install 2, size=full}
3. Choose your time zone, set the system language and number and date locale:
{F20420, alt=Calamares install 3, size=full}
4. Select your keyboard layout:
{F20422, alt=Calamares install 4, size=full}
5. Disk partitioning. Assumed is that your disk is blank. You can choose automatic partitioning (**//Erase disk//** option), the installer will automatically partition your disk. You can also choose to manually partition your disk, continue to **//Manual partitioning//**:
{F20424, alt=Calamares install 5, size=full}
6. First, click !!New Partition Table!! to create new partition table:
{F20426, alt=Calamares install 6, size=full}
7. ...and select GPT (click !!OK!! to accept):
{F20428, alt=Calamares install 7, size=full}
8. Now click on free space and click !!Create!! to create first partition:
{F20430, alt=Calamares install 8, size=full}
9. Since we used GPT partition table, we need to create a partition with special flag. It can be of minimum size, so set the 1 MB size (installer might increase this value to something like 8 MB, ignore this), set File System to //unformatted// and select **bios-grub** flag (this is important). Click !!OK!! afterwards:
{F20432, alt=Calamares install 9, size=full}
10. Click on **//Free Space//** and then the !!Create!! to create next partition:
{F20434, alt=Calamares install 10, size=full}
11. In this example, swap partition is created next. Swap is needed for proper hibernation, and since the system has 8 GB of RAM, the size here is set to 7168 MB (7 GB). If your system has more RAM, make this partition larger. Choose !!linuxswap!! as file system:
{F20436, alt=Calamares install 11, size=full}
12. Next, create root partition (place where your system is going to be installed). In the example here the size is set to 20 GB. You can set it larger if you plan to install a lot of sotware. Choose !!ext4!! as filesystem, as it is the most stable and most tested. Don't use !!btrfs!! on your production builds! Set **/** for mount point:
{F20438, alt=Calamares install 12, size=full}
13. Create the home partition. This is the place where your data will reside. Use the rest of disk space. Set **/home** for mount point:
{F20440, alt=Calamares install 13, size=full}
14. Review your partitioning:
{F20442, alt=Calamares install 14, size=full}
15. Create a user:
{F20444, alt=Calamares install 15, size=full}
16. Review install instructions:
{F20446, alt=Calamares install 16, size=full}
17. ...and confirm the installation:
{F20448, alt=Calamares install 17, size=full}
18. Wait for few minutes:
{F20450, alt=Calamares install 18, size=full}
19. And restart after it is done.
{F20452, alt=Calamares install 19, size=full}