Version 2 vs 3
Version 2 vs 3
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Content Changes
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Latest Firefox}
Install latest versions of Firefox from Mozilla
Open `Terminal` and copy and paste below commands into it:
* Add repository:
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mozilla.list << EOF
deb mozilla main
* Download the key:
wget "" -O mozilla.key
* Convert it to gpg:
gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring ./mozilla_keyring.gpg --import mozilla.key
gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring ./mozilla_keyring.gpg --export > ./mozilla.gpg
* Move it to the apt folder:
sudo mv -v mozilla.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/
NOTE: You can remove the `mozilla_keyring.gpg` file from your home directory after that.
* Update package list to include new sources and install Firefox browser:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install firefox
To install a language pack:
sudo apt install firefox-l10n-XX
Replace `XX` with language code, for example: `fr` for French.
NOTE: You can also install testing/nightly version, but these are considered unstable.
The default Firefox package from PureOS: `firefox-esr` (ESR stands for **E**xtended **S**upport **R**elease) can coexist with the latest version you will install from Mozilla, as it is using separate user profile. You can remove the "ESR" version later:
sudo apt remove firefox-esr firefox-esr-l10n-*
If you want to import your bookmarks, passwords, and other data from your "ESR" profile to the new Firefox version, you can follow the [official guide]( from Mozilla website.
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icon=info-circle, name=PureOS >
icon=list-ul, name=Tips & Tricks >
Latest Firefox}
Install latest versions of Firefox from Mozilla
Open `Terminal` and copy and paste below commands into it:
* Add repository:
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mozilla.list << EOF
deb mozilla main
* Download the key:
wget "" -O mozilla.key
* Convert it to gpg:
gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring ./mozilla_keyring.gpg --import mozilla.key
gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring ./mozilla_keyring.gpg --export > ./mozilla.gpg
* Move it to the apt folder:
sudo mv -v mozilla.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/
NOTE: You can remove the `mozilla_keyring.gpg` file from your home directory after that.
* Update package list to include new sources and install Firefox browser:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install firefox
To install a language pack:
sudo apt install firefox-l10n-XX
Replace `XX` with language code, for example: `fr` for French.
NOTE: You can also install testing/nightly version, but these are considered unstable.
The default Firefox package from PureOS: `firefox-esr` (ESR stands for **E**xtended **S**upport **R**elease) can coexist with the latest version you will install from Mozilla, as it is using separate user profile. You can remove the "ESR" version later:
sudo apt remove firefox-esr firefox-esr-l10n-*
If you want to import your bookmarks, passwords, and other data from your "ESR" profile to the new Firefox version, you can follow the [official guide]( from Mozilla website.