Version 5 vs 92
Version 5 vs 92
Content Changes
Content Changes
{nav icon=home, name=Main Page >
icon=info-circle, name=PureOS >
icon=mobile, name=Mobile-optimized apps}
List of apps optimized for mobile phone displays
# Level of optimization
* {icon star, color=green} Fully optimized — software is fine tuned for mobile screen and touch input
* {icon star, color=blue} Partially optimized — some visual elements could use additional fine tuning for mobile screens
* {icon star-half-o, color=orange} Not optimized but usable — app cannot entirely fit into screen, but at least partially usable by toggling landscape/portrait orientation (without changing DPI)
* {icon star-o, color=red} Not optimized and unusable — app cannot fit into screen and is unusable to large extent or completely unless DPI is changed
# List
== Main/Essential ==
| Icon | Name | Level | Category | Description |
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
| {F471530, width=32} | [[ | Calls]] | {icon star, color=green} | Phone calls | Phone call application |
| {F471531, width=32} | [[ | Chatty]] | {icon star, color=green} | SMS, Messaging | XMPP and SMS messaging |
| {F443943, width=32} | [[ | GNOME Web]] | {icon star, color=green} | Internet | Lightweight web browser with privacy defaults |
| {F471526, width=32} | [[ | Geary] | {icon star, color=green} | Email | Send and receive email |
| {F471528, width=32} | [[ | King's Cross] | {icon star, color=green} | Development | Terminal
{nav icon=home, name=Main Page >
icon=info-circle, name=PureOS >
icon=mobile, name=Mobile-optimized apps}
List of apps optimized for mobile phone displays
# Level of optimization
* {icon star, color=green} Fully optimized — software is fine tuned for mobile screen and touch input
* {icon star, color=blue} Partially optimized — some visual elements could use additional fine tuning for mobile screens
* {icon star-half-o, color=orange} Not optimized but usable — app cannot entirely fit into screen, but at least partially usable by toggling landscape/portrait orientation (without changing DPI)
* {icon star-o, color=red} Not optimized and unusable — app cannot fit into screen and is unusable to large extent or completely unless DPI is changed
# List
== Main/Essential ==
| Icon | Name | Level | Category | Description |
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
| {F471530, width=32} | [[ | Calls]] | {icon star, color=green} | Phone calls | Phone call application |
| {F471531, width=32} | [[ | Chatty]] | {icon star, color=green} | SMS, Messaging | XMPP and SMS messaging |
| {F443943, width=32} | [[ | GNOME Web]] | {icon star, color=green} | Internet | Lightweight web browser with privacy defaults |
| {F471526, width=32} | [[ | Geary] | {icon star, color=green} | Email | Send and receive email |
| {F471528, width=32} | [[ | King's Cross] | {icon star, color=green} | Development | Terminal