Version 9 vs 57
Version 9 vs 57
Content Changes
Content Changes
{F6576, layout=left, size=full}
{nav icon=home, name=Main Page }
= Welcome to the PureOS wiki! =
Central point for user contributed information about PureOS
==== PureOS ====
{icon info-circle color=blue} **About PureOS** | Overview and some general information about PureOS.
{icon cogs} **Installation guide** | Guide through the process of installing PureOS.
{icon thumbs-o-up} **General recommendations** | Post-installation tutorials and other popular stuff.
{icon wrench} **Troubleshooting** | Known issues and how to fix them
==== Community ====
{icon life-ring color=orange} **How to use this wiki** | Need some assistance? Check here.
{icon tasks} **How to contribute to this wiki** | Interested in help with the wiki? Check here.
==== Purism ====
{nav icon=home, name=Main Page }
IMPORTANT: This wiki is slowly being migrated [here](
{icon flask} **[[Development]]** | Information about PureOS development
{icon life-ring color=orange} {icon hand-o-right color=lightbluetext}**[GNOME help files](** | Consult GNOME help files
{icon linux color=orange} {icon hand-o-right color=lightbluetext}**[Debian user manuals](** | Consult Debian user manuals
NOTE: If you would like to report an issue with PureOS or one of its components feel free to file an issue here:
{F6576, layout=left, size=full}
{nav icon=home, name=Main Page }
= Welcome to the PureOSIMPORTANT: This wiki! =
Central point for user contributed information about is slowly being migrated [here](
==== PureOS ====
{icon info-circle color=blue} **About PureOS** | Overview and some general information about PureOS.
{icon cogs} **Installation guide** | Guide through the process of installing PureOS.{icon flask} **[[Development]]** | Information about PureOS development
{icon thumbs-o-up} **General recommendations** | Post-installation tutorials and other popular color=orange} {icon hand-o-right color=lightbluetext}**[GNOME help files](** | Consult GNOME help files
{icon wrench} **Troubleshooting** | Known issues and how to fix themlinux color=orange} {icon hand-o-right color=lightbluetext}**[Debian user manuals](** | Consult Debian user manuals
==== Community ====
{icon life-ring color=orange} **How to use this wiki** | Need some assistance? Check here.
{icon tasks} **How to contribute to this wiki** | Interested in help with the wiki? Check here.NOTE: If you would like to report an issue with PureOS or one of its components feel free to file an issue here:
==== Purism ====