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Please include unique version in (eg.) pureos-8.0-live-amd64.hybrid.iso filenames
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Without the build date (or some other unique version) in the filename, it is difficult to know exactly what version people are attempting to install/boot.

For example, there was confusion in regarding whether it was a "November" image.

Having the exact date (or SHA/whatever) would solve this and prevent having to use SHA1 or similar.

Event Timeline

chris.lamb created this task.Jan 7 2018, 01:01
mak triaged this task as Low priority.Jan 7 2018, 07:29
mak closed this task as Resolved.Jan 13 2018, 13:33
mak added a project: Restricted Project.

Resolved, all future images will include a timestamp of the date when they were built.