Version 1 vs 2
Version 1 vs 2
Content Changes
Content Changes
= The PureOS NEW queue =
If a package (source or binary) is new to the PureOS archive, it needs to be ACK'ed by an archive admin who will add an override for it's section and priority to the archive database, thereby accepting the new package into the archive.
The NEW queue can be viewed on [[ | this HTML page ]]. Your package might be stuck there for a few days and not show up in the `landing` suite.
If you feel the package is being stuck in NEW for too long, notify an archive admin (currently @mak ).
= The PureOS NEW queue =
If a package (source or binary) is new to the PureOS archive, it needs to be ACK'ed by an archive admin who will add an override for it's section and priority to the archive database, thereby accepting the new package into the archive.
The NEW queue can be viewed on [[ | this HTML page ]]. Your package might be stuck there for a few days and not show up in the `landing` suite.
If you feel the package is being stuck in NEW for too long, notify an archive admin (currently @mak ).
= The PureOS NEW queue =
If a package (source or binary) is new to the PureOS archive, it needs to be ACK'ed by an archive admin who will add an override for it's section and priority to the archive database, thereby accepting the new package into the archive.
The NEW queue can be viewed on [[ | this HTML page ]]. Your package might be stuck there for a few days and not show up in the `landing` suite.
If you feel the package is being stuck in NEW for too long, notify an archive admin (currently @mak ).