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elmadavis (Elma Davis)


User Since
May 16 2021, 23:51 (192 w, 3 h)

Hi! This is Elma Davis an experienced career coach and an executive cv writer uk. I am currently a resident of the UK but originally from Melbourne. I work for a private company based in London. I hold a bachelor’s and masters’ degree in human resource management from the Universtiy of London. I have several years of experience working in this industry and with several multinational companies. Outside the business or work, I love to cook, travel, and read.

Event Timeline

mladen approved this user.May 17 2021, 00:55
elmadavis updated this object.May 17 2021, 02:10
elmadavis updated this object.
elmadavis updated this object.May 17 2021, 02:16
elmadavis updated this object.
elmadavis updated this object.May 17 2021, 02:24