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[FREEDOM ISSUE] libsdl1.2debian
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Package: libsdl1.2debian
Tag: [semifree]
Short description: Contains a source file that doesn't mention modification
Proposed solution: patch
Notes: Remove file src/video/fbcon/riva_mmio.h, patch:

Event Timeline

mladen created this task.May 22 2017, 11:03

only removing the file will fail build, fortunate enough you showed us the parabola patch as well (I usually like to create or re-create my own patch but I will go with importing this one and see what happens) :)

jonas.smedegaard added a subscriber: hema.prathaban.
jonas.smedegaard removed a subscriber: hema.prathaban.

Patch applied to Debian package, queued for release in 5 days (unless Debian maintainer intervenes).

jonas.smedegaard closed this task as Resolved.Jul 30 2017, 12:09

Fixed libsdl1.2 has entered Debian testing, so assume that means it is fixed in PureOS as well.

Awesome, thanks! This is the best way to fix these bugs!

mak lowered the priority of this task from 95 to Freedom Issue.Aug 18 2017, 22:09