Package cron contains files under nonfree Artistic license: /usr/share/doc/cron/examples/`
Patch to remove the file and its reference in /usr/share/doc/cron/copyrightfile, as well as Artistic license header in that file.
Package cron contains files under nonfree Artistic license: /usr/share/doc/cron/examples/`
Patch to remove the file and its reference in /usr/share/doc/cron/copyrightfile, as well as Artistic license header in that file.
Still waiting for FSF on response about Artistic license as it is free license except 1.0 which even on their pages says it is unclear is it Free license or not.
@mladen.pejakovic I grep'ed the file and no license shows there, can you check where I could see license for it or maybe Debian patched this already?
From: /usr/share/doc/cron/copyright
Files: debian/examples/
Copyright: 2001, Sean M. Burke
License: Artistic
This issue is bogus: It is correct for metadata to describe license as Artistic, but code itself is licensed "same as Perl" which means dual-licensing as _either_ Artistic or GPL-1+.
Please drop derived cron package: There is no need for deriving from Debian (issue is bogus).
Severity set high, as Debian already has possibly important changes in its current delta.
Changing status to "invalid", more appropriate for the task as a whole (arguably I should've created a subtask for the package removal which is indeed "done" by now).