We have a report in the forums that the md5 checksums for the isolinux.bin
do not match in this image: https://downloads.puri.sm/byzantium/gnome/2021-07-05/pureos-10~devel-gnome-live-20210705_amd64.iso
The report is here: https://forums.puri.sm/t/pureos-10-byzantium-isolinux-bin-checksum-fail/14582
A sha256sum matches the published checksum. The problem seems to be:
From the report:
HOWEVER, inside the ISO the file md5sum.txt lists the md5 checksums for every file. All verify EXCEPT for isolinux/isolinux.bin as follows:
$ grep isolinux.bin md5sum.txt
c3387bb5f62c3df90e50915b1b4495b2 ./isolinux/isolinux.bin
$ md5sum isolinux/isolinux.bin
0dc2616f421f6dfb38546eb04b626b00 isolinux/isolinux.bin