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{nav icon=home, name=Main Page > icon=flask, name=Development} Useful resources for developing PureOS --- = General = {icon map-signs} [[Development/PureOS Archive Layout]] = Package building = {icon cube} [[Development/Packaging overview]] {icon cube} [[Development/pBuilder Environment Quick Setup]] = Using the infrastructure for building packages = {icon tachometer} [[Development/Uploading packages]] | Uploading binary and source code packages to the PureOS infrastructure. {icon tachometer} [[Development/NEW queue]] {icon tachometer} [[Development/Package migrations]] {icon tachometer} [[Development/Germinator]] {icon tachometer} [[Development/Synchrotron]] {icon tachometer} [[Development/PureOSDebianTeam]] = Additional artifacts = {icon cogs} **[[Development/HowTo build]]** | How to build a PureOS image {icon cogs} **[[Development/Reproducible ISOs]]** | Reproducible PureOS image ISOs {icon cube} [[Development/PureOS Docker images]] | How to build a reproducible container image = Additional QA = = Troubleshooting =
{nav icon=home, name=Main Page > icon=flask, name=Development} Useful resources for developing PureOS --- = General = {icon map-signs} [[Development/PureOS Archive Layout]] = Package building = {icon cube} [[Development/Packaging overview]] {icon cube} [[Development/Merging packages with Debian]] {icon cube} [[Development/pBuilder Environment Quick Setup]] = Using the infrastructure for building packages = {icon tachometer} [[Development/Uploading packages]] | Uploading binary and source code packages to the PureOS infrastructure. {icon tachometer} [[Development/NEW queue]] {icon tachometer} [[Development/Package migrations]] {icon tachometer} [[Development/Germinator]] {icon tachometer} [[Development/Synchrotron]] {icon tachometer} [[Development/PureOSDebianTeam]] = Additional artifacts = {icon cogs} **[[Development/HowTo build]]** | How to build a PureOS image {icon cogs} **[[Development/Reproducible ISOs]]** | Reproducible PureOS image ISOs {icon cube} [[Development/PureOS Docker images]] | How to build a reproducible container image = Additional QA = = Troubleshooting =
{nav icon=home, name=Main Page > icon=flask, name=Development} Useful resources for developing PureOS --- = General = {icon map-signs} [[Development/PureOS Archive Layout]] = Package building = {icon cube} [[Development/Packaging overview]]
{icon cube} [[Development/Merging packages with Debian]]
{icon cube} [[Development/pBuilder Environment Quick Setup]] = Using the infrastructure for building packages = {icon tachometer} [[Development/Uploading packages]] | Uploading binary and source code packages to the PureOS infrastructure. {icon tachometer} [[Development/NEW queue]] {icon tachometer} [[Development/Package migrations]] {icon tachometer} [[Development/Germinator]] {icon tachometer} [[Development/Synchrotron]] {icon tachometer} [[Development/PureOSDebianTeam]] = Additional artifacts = {icon cogs} **[[Development/HowTo build]]** | How to build a PureOS image {icon cogs} **[[Development/Reproducible ISOs]]** | Reproducible PureOS image ISOs {icon cube} [[Development/PureOS Docker images]] | How to build a reproducible container image = Additional QA = = Troubleshooting =