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{nav icon=home, name=Main Page > icon=info-circle, name=PureOS} Overview and some general information about PureOS --- {icon plane, color=green} [[PureOS/Hardware Requirements]] |PureOS Hardware requirements {icon desktop, color=blue} [[PureOS/Desktop]] | Setting up your GNOME desktop environment {icon th-large, color=blue} [[PureOS/Software Center]] | Managing your software {icon th-list, color=blue} [[PureOS/Default Apps]] | Contains a list of prioritized default applications {icon th-list, color=blue} [[PureOS/Web Apps]] | Contains a list of prioritized web applications to include in the PureOS Software Store {icon bullhorn, color=green} [[PureOS/Tips | Tips & Tricks]] | Some useful tips
{nav icon=home, name=Main Page > icon=info-circle, name=PureOS} Overview and some general information about PureOS --- {icon plane, color=green} [[PureOS/Hardware Requirements]] | PureOS Hardware requirements {icon desktop, color=blue} [[PureOS/Desktop]] | Setting up your GNOME desktop environment {icon th-large, color=blue} [[PureOS/Software Center]] | Managing your software {icon th-list, color=blue} [[PureOS/Default Apps]] | Contains a list of prioritized default applications {icon th-list, color=blue} [[PureOS/Web Apps]] | Contains a list of prioritized web applications to include in the PureOS Software Store {icon bullhorn, color=green} [[PureOS/Tips | Tips & Tricks]] | Some useful tips
{nav icon=home, name=Main Page > icon=info-circle, name=PureOS} Overview and some general information about PureOS --- {icon plane, color=green} [[PureOS/Hardware Requirements]] |
PureOS Hardware requirements {icon desktop, color=blue} [[PureOS/Desktop]] | Setting up your GNOME desktop environment {icon th-large, color=blue} [[PureOS/Software Center]] | Managing your software {icon th-list, color=blue} [[PureOS/Default Apps]] | Contains a list of prioritized default applications {icon th-list, color=blue} [[PureOS/Web Apps]] | Contains a list of prioritized web applications to include in the PureOS Software Store {icon bullhorn, color=green} [[PureOS/Tips | Tips & Tricks]] | Some useful tips