$ G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all gnome-boxes (gnome-boxes:1978): Gtk-DEBUG: Connecting to session manager (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Using backend = 'AUTO' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Waiting for service to become available... (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Service is ready Tracker-INFO: Setting database locations Tracker-INFO: Checking whether database files exist Tracker-INFO: Opened sqlite3 database:'/home/rep/.cache/tracker/meta.db' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Resetting collator in db interface 0x555ae3eb3430 (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: [libunistring collation] Initializing collator for locale 'en_US.UTF-8' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: [libunistring collation] Initializing collator for locale 'en_US.UTF-8' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA encoding = "UTF-8"' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA auto_vacuum = 0;' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY;' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL;' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA wal_autocheckpoint = 0' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA journal_size_limit = 10240000' Tracker-INFO: Setting page size to 8192 (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA page_size = 8192' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA cache_size = 250' Tracker-INFO: Setting cache size to 250 Tracker-INFO: Closed sqlite3 database:'/home/rep/.cache/tracker/meta.db' Tracker-INFO: Opened sqlite3 database:'/home/rep/.cache/tracker/meta.db' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Resetting collator in db interface 0x555ae3eb34e0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: [libunistring collation] Initializing collator for locale 'en_US.UTF-8' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: [libunistring collation] Initializing collator for locale 'en_US.UTF-8' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA encoding = "UTF-8"' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA auto_vacuum = 0;' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY;' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL;' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA wal_autocheckpoint = 0' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA journal_size_limit = 10240000' Tracker-INFO: Setting page size to 8192 (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA page_size = 8192' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA cache_size = 250' Tracker-INFO: Setting cache size to 250 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Add handle 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 1 0x7f5b90004110 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { osinfo:language a }' Tracker-INFO: Opened sqlite3 database:'/home/rep/.cache/tracker/meta.db' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Resetting collator in db interface 0x7f5b9400a020 (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: [libunistring collation] Initializing collator for locale 'en_US.UTF-8' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: [libunistring collation] Initializing collator for locale 'en_US.UTF-8' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;' (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA encoding = "UTF-8"' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA auto_vacuum = 0;' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY;' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL;' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA wal_autocheckpoint = 0' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA journal_size_limit = 10240000' Tracker-INFO: Setting page size to 8192 (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA page_size = 8192' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA cache_size = 250' Tracker-INFO: Setting cache size to 250 (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM "rdf:Property" AS "rdf:Property1" WHERE "rdf:Property1"."ID" = (SELECT ID FROM Resource WHERE Uri = ?) ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END' (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Add timeout 0x7f5b90005cb0 -1 0x7f5bbe6dc220 0x7f5b90005420 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Boxes-DEBUG: util-app.vala:199: Connected to system libvirt, now fetching domains.. (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Boxes-DEBUG: tracker-iso-query.vala:21: Tracker SPARQL query: SELECT nie:url(?iso) nie:title(?iso) osinfo:id(?iso) osinfo:mediaId(?iso) osinfo:language(?iso) { ?iso nfo:isBootable true } (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'SELECT nie:url(?iso) nie:title(?iso) osinfo:id(?iso) osinfo:mediaId(?iso) osinfo:language(?iso) { ?iso nfo:isBootable true }' Tracker-INFO: Opened sqlite3 database:'/home/rep/.cache/tracker/meta.db' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Resetting collator in db interface 0x555ae4295f10 (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: [libunistring collation] Initializing collator for locale 'en_US.UTF-8' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: [libunistring collation] Initializing collator for locale 'en_US.UTF-8' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;' (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Boxes-DEBUG: libvirt-system-importer.vala:90: Fetching config for 'debian9' from system libvirt. (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Boxes-DEBUG: libvirt-system-importer.vala:92: Finding a suitable disk to import for 'debian9' from system libvirt. (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GConfig-DEBUG: Unknown device node: emulator (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GConfig-DEBUG: Proper support for 'emulator' device nodes is not yet implemented (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GConfig-DEBUG: Unknown domain controller node: pci (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GConfig-DEBUG: Failed to parse controller node (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GConfig-DEBUG: Parsing of 'ide' domain controller nodes is unimplemented (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GConfig-DEBUG: Failed to parse controller node (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GConfig-DEBUG: Parsing of 'virtio-serial' domain controller nodes is unimplemented (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GConfig-DEBUG: Failed to parse controller node (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GConfig-DEBUG: Unknown device node: rng (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GConfig-DEBUG: Proper support for 'rng' device nodes is not yet implemented (gnome-boxes:1978): Boxes-DEBUG: libvirt-system-importer.vala:69: Fetched 1 domains from system libvirt. (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA encoding = "UTF-8"' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA auto_vacuum = 0;' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY;' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL;' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA wal_autocheckpoint = 0' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA journal_size_limit = 10240000' Tracker-INFO: Setting page size to 8192 (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA page_size = 8192' (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA cache_size = 250' Tracker-INFO: Setting cache size to 250 (gnome-boxes:1978): Boxes-DEBUG: util-app.vala:292: check_cpu_vt_capability: yes (gnome-boxes:1978): Boxes-DEBUG: util-app.vala:312: check_module_kvm_loaded: yes (gnome-boxes:1978): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT (SELECT "nie:url" FROM "nie:DataObject" WHERE ID = "1_u") COLLATE TRACKER, (SELECT "nie:title" FROM "nie:InformationElement" WHERE ID = "1_u") COLLATE TRACKER, (SELECT "osinfo:id" FROM "nie:InformationElement" WHERE ID = "1_u") COLLATE TRACKER, (SELECT "osinfo:mediaId" FROM "nie:InformationElement" WHERE ID = "1_u") COLLATE TRACKER, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT("osinfo:language",',') FROM "osinfo:Installer_osinfo:language" WHERE ID = "1_u") FROM (SELECT "nie:InformationElement1"."ID" AS "1_u" FROM "nie:InformationElement" AS "nie:InformationElement1" WHERE "nie:InformationElement1"."nfo:isBootable" = ?)' (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Add handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 0x7f5b941d8b90 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Add timeout 0x7f5b941d23f0 -1 0x7f5bbe6dc220 0x7f5b941dc290 2 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Boxes-DEBUG: libvirt-machine.vala:167: new libvirt machine: debian9 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Boxes-DEBUG: machine.vala:116: State of 'debian9' changed to BOXES_MACHINE_MACHINE_STATE_STOPPED (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GConfig-DEBUG: Unknown device node: emulator (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GConfig-DEBUG: Proper support for 'emulator' device nodes is not yet implemented (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GConfig-DEBUG: Unknown domain controller node: pci (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GConfig-DEBUG: Failed to parse controller node (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GConfig-DEBUG: Parsing of 'ide' domain controller nodes is unimplemented (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GConfig-DEBUG: Failed to parse controller node (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GConfig-DEBUG: Parsing of 'virtio-serial' domain controller nodes is unimplemented (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GConfig-DEBUG: Failed to parse controller node (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GConfig-DEBUG: Unknown device node: rng (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GConfig-DEBUG: Proper support for 'rng' device nodes is not yet implemented (gnome-boxes:1978): Boxes-DEBUG: util-app.vala:162: Interface 'virbr0' is either not available or not up. (gnome-boxes:1978): Boxes-DEBUG: vm-configurator.vala:519: Creating user network device for debian9 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Dispatch handler 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 0x7f5b941d8b90 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update timeout 0x7f5b941d23f0 2 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Dispatch timeout 0x7f5b941d23f0 0x7f5bbe6dc220 2 0x7f5b941dc290 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update timeout 0x7f5b941d23f0 2 -1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GObject-DEBUG: domain_event_cb: 74269162-684c-40f3-ae67-3ae561e3a8d1 event:0, detail:1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Boxes-DEBUG: unattended-installer.vala:692: No media language, using en_US locale (gnome-boxes:1978): Boxes-DEBUG: unattended-setup-box.vala:258: Failed to read key 'password' under '/home/rep/Downloads/debian-9.3.0-amd64-netinst.iso': Key file does not have key “password” in group “/home/rep/Downloads/debian-9.3.0-amd64-netinst.iso” (gnome-boxes:1978): Boxes-DEBUG: unattended-setup-box.vala:159: Failed to remove key 'password' under '/home/rep/Downloads/debian-9.3.0-amd64-netinst.iso': Key file does not have key “password” in group “/home/rep/Downloads/debian-9.3.0-amd64-netinst.iso” (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Error: unsupported configuration: CPU mode 'custom' for x86_64 kvm domain on x86_64 host is not supported by hypervisor (gnome-boxes:1978): Boxes-WARNING **: machine.vala:611: Failed to start debian9: Unable to start domain: unsupported configuration: CPU mode 'custom' for x86_64 kvm domain on x86_64 host is not supported by hypervisor (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Dispatch handler 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 1 0x7f5b90004110 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 3 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Dispatch handler 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 2 0x7f5b90004110 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Dispatch handler 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 1 0x7f5b90004110 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 3 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Dispatch handler 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 2 0x7f5b90004110 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Dispatch handler 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 1 0x7f5b90004110 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 3 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Dispatch handler 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 2 0x7f5b90004110 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Dispatch handler 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 1 0x7f5b90004110 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 3 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Dispatch handler 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 2 0x7f5b90004110 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b900044e0 1 21 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Boxes-DEBUG: app.vala:485: Suspending running boxes (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 0 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Update handle 0x7f5b94030e60 2 28 1 (gnome-boxes:1978): Libvirt.GLib-DEBUG: Error: Requested operation is not valid: domain is not running (gnome-boxes:1978): Boxes-DEBUG: app.vala:501: debian9 suspended (gnome-boxes:1978): Boxes-DEBUG: app.vala:513: Running boxes suspended $