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packaging guidelines encourages (arguably mandates) always versioning packages as newer than in Debian
Closed, InvalidPublic


The page documents how to add a _higher_ number when forking from Debian.

That makes sense when deriving from Debian due to added/changed features, but is problematic when "backporting" - i.e. rebuilding with virtually no changes e.g. to bypass Debian quality assurance or to include a package from Debian Bullseye in PureOS Amber.

Please document the use of ~pureosN as an alternative versioning scheme, and strongly encourage or even mandate that scheme for all cases where it is beneficial to switch to tracking the Debian package as soon as possible.

Event Timeline

jeremiah.foster triaged this task as Normal priority.Sep 11 2020, 08:48
jonas.smedegaard closed this task as Invalid.Sep 15 2020, 09:06

seems I was mistaken: Matthias explained today that "whatever works, as long as the string "pureos" with a version number suffix appears in there".

Sorry for bringing up a non-issue.