Package: firefox-esr
Tag: [uses-nonfree]
Reference: fsf:firefox parabola:2409
Short description:
Proposed solution: replace
Below are a few examples of freedom issues in Firefox ESR shipped by PureOS.
This has been reported with understanding that PureOS is still committed to follow GNU FSDG [1]. If this is not the case, please confirm this in the comments.
I did not descibe each one of them in detail as a separate issue. Because if Firefox replaced PureBrowser where many of these issues were not present, it is not clear if PureOS team is interested in resolving it. However, if you are interested, I'd be happy to provide more detailed reports and probably even help with the fixes.
- New tab page includes links to YouTube, Twitter, Amazon, Reddit and Facebook. All of these websites download and execute JavaScript code that appears to be nonfree. That violates [2]. The same is true for Search Engines.
- Encrypted Media Extensions implementation is available and is working. On web pages that have DRM content, Firefox suggests to enable DRM, and if the user agrees, it automatically installs nonfree Widevine CDM. Violates [3] and [4].
- Addons page lists recommendations from (AMO), some of those are nonfree. Please see [5], it has the attachment with clarification from Scott DeVaney, AMO Sr. Editorial Manager. These recommendations violate [2].
- Addons page has a box "Search", that violates [2], because AMO can be seen as a third-party repository that is not committed to only including free software.
There are more FSDG violations, like OpenH264 plugin, privileges for Mozilla repositories to treat them as trusted, recommendations to download other versions of Firefox (Developer Edition and mobile which share the same freedom issues), etc.
Tested on:
firefox-esr/amber-security 68.7.0esr-1~deb10u1 amd64: Freshly upgraded installation with everything by default
firefox-esr/byzantium 68.7.0esr-1 amd64: live pureos-10~devel-gnome-live_20200328-amd64.hybrid.iso after the upgrade
[2] , Paragraph 4:
A free system distribution must not steer users towards obtaining any nonfree information for practical use, or encourage them to do so. The system should have no repositories for nonfree software and no specific recipes for installation of particular nonfree programs. Nor should the distribution refer to third-party repositories that are not committed to only including free software; even if they only have free software today, that may not be true tomorrow. Programs in the system should not suggest installing nonfree plugins, documentation, and so on.
[3] , Paragraph 5:
For instance, a free system distribution must not contain browsers that implement EME, the browser functionality designed to load DRM modules.