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PureOS Installer - Partitions - Replace a partition - Issues
Open, NormalPublic


  1. The "Replace a partition" option doesn't allow to select a boot partition (which is needed if encryption of the PureOS partition is selected). It also doesn't create such a necessary partition during the installation phase.
  2. The "Replace a partition" option in combination with "Encrypt System" (default) causes the installation to crash. The installer terminates during the "Install" phase without displaying any error.
  3. If a partition to replace is selected first and the password for encryption is typed in after that, the installer crashes immediately when comparing the two passwords if they match.
  4. The "Replace a partition" option doesn't allow to select an encrypted swap partition which was created during a previous "Erase disk" installation. It also doesn't create such a partition during the installation phase.
  5. The "Replace a partition" option doesn't allow the user to select the "Boot loader location" to be on an unencrypted boot partition. Only "Master Boot Record" and "System Partition" are available choices.

Event Timeline

pruflyos created this task.Apr 24 2019, 03:50
pruflyos updated the task description. (Show Details)Apr 24 2019, 03:53
pruflyos updated the task description. (Show Details)Apr 24 2019, 04:01
pruflyos updated the task description. (Show Details)
pruflyos updated the task description. (Show Details)Apr 24 2019, 04:04
pruflyos updated the task description. (Show Details)
jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority.