Calamares Fail in iso 04-19
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Thanks for reporting this issue. There is another new build, can you try that one:
Hi @jeremiah.foster and @mak , I downloaded iso 04-22 (pureos-8.0-gnome-live_20190422-amd64.hybrid.iso) from link and not working.
Picture below.
The same procedures with iso 2-10 works.
This is resolved starting with the 2019-05-01 image builds.
Thanks for reporting this issue!
Since the installer changes are extensive this time, it would be awesome if you could test the new image and verify that the issue is gone. New images will become available on shortly.
Hello @mak , Yes, the installation Finish all right =) I used iso 2019-05-01, its in my production notebook. Congratulations for your project. see...