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Volume keys need to be pressed twice on Librem 15 v4
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On my Librem 15, I have to press the "Volume up" and "Volume down" keys (fn + arrow up / down) twice for it to take effect.

This is not specific to the audio UI because if I assign those keys (fn + arrow up / down) to a keyboard shortcut through the GNOME keyboard settings, the event triggered by this shortcut only gets called after the second time I press the keys.

No other "fn" key on the keyboard behave this way.

I am having this issue on a Librem 15 v4 running a basic BIOS (No Coreboot) and PureOS with the latest updates (at the time of posting this issue).

Event Timeline

francois created this task.Feb 26 2019, 04:24
francois added a comment.EditedFeb 26 2019, 11:10

After upgrading my system with apt on the command line, I had this warning (don't know if it is related) :

Processing triggers for initramfs-tools (0.132pureos1) ...
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.19.0-2-amd64
cryptsetup: WARNING: Resume target luks-540b97d6-768b-49f6-a066-8d4faacf339e
uses a key file
setupcon: The keyboard model is unknown, assuming 'pc105'. Keyboard may be configured incorrectly.

I set the keyboard layout to "English (US, alt. intl.)" in the GNOME "Region & Language" settings panel but it didn't help

jonas.smedegaard triaged this task as Normal priority.May 25 2021, 12:31