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cups-filters: Needlesly forked (package no longer recommends imagemagick)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


cups-filters in PureOS is a fork to not recommend imagemagick (instead recommending graphicsmagick-imagemagick-compat).

cups-filters shipped by Debian however no longer recommend imagemagick since release 1.21.3-3 (see

Please reset to again track the Debian-shipped cups-filters package.

Priority set to high since cups-filters in PureOS additionally is behind on getting updated.

Event Timeline

@mak yet another friendly nudge...

mak closed this task as Resolved.May 9 2019, 10:41

Done - the package was actually already synced, I just forgot to close this issue.
The new changes were stuck in testing though, due to a dependency issue, which is now fixed as well (so expect the package to become available soon).