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GIMP does not work
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Three system updates ago i saw GIMP did not work, i have waited for three updates and the problem was not solved.

Apparently, a GIMP process is running on background but GIMP interface is not opened, i waited 1 hour and nothing. Also, there is no output from terminal with no option and verbose, console messages and debug handlers enabled.

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EchedeyLR created this task.Sep 5 2018, 11:27

I have reinstalled GIMP without affect it.

gimp didn't come pre-installed on my system, but have you tried using a different image manipulator or an older of gimp?

EchedeyLR added a comment.EditedSep 7 2018, 14:58

GIMP worked on my system four updates ago. ImageMagick it works but is very limited and i have no plans to change my default image editor.

Gimp works fine on my system latest version, do they offer it as a snap/flatpak

I am using the official repository version.

EchedeyLR added a comment.EditedSep 9 2018, 06:35

I have installed it from flathub and i have no problem, it works but i would want use official build, flatpak packages have a bad performance and flathub has propietary software on their repositories

I agree, but it does show that it's a problem with your particular setup, what particularly is the problem and have you tried running from terminal

Also, there is no output from terminal with no option and verbose, console messages and debug handlers enabled.

Also, i removed .gimp-2.8 directory from user and it does nothing.

EchedeyLR closed this task as Resolved.Sep 14 2018, 14:45
EchedeyLR claimed this task.

I have installed 2.10 version from official repositories and it works :)