Steps to reproduce:
- Install Quod Libet (music player)
What should happen:
- Integrated with the PureOS desktop
What happens instead:
- Music controls do not appear in the GNOME menubar
- The close button quits the application and stops music (this is unusual for a music player)
- Enable plugin "MPRIS D-Bus Support" (adds music controls to GNOME menubar)
- Set "Hide main window on close" preference
- Perform the workaround steps by default when installing the Quod Libet package
Next steps:
- Confirm default music app in PureOS (probably Rhythmbox)
- Confirm default behaviors in Rhythmbox, GNOME Music, Clementine
- Query QL upstream about defaults
- Recommend multi-DE multi-distro defaults (i.e. suitable for Debian)