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Gnome Software only showing installed apps
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I am not able to browse new content when using Gnome Software. I can only see already installed applications.

Event Timeline

francois created this task.Dec 23 2016, 07:11
zlatan.todoric assigned this task to mak.Dec 23 2016, 07:29
zlatan.todoric added a subscriber: zlatan.todoric.

This is because we need appstream metadata and we are preparing that machine so it will be done for final release (probably for next image which will be tagged as beta) :)

mak closed this task as Resolved.Jan 5 2017, 15:46

This is done now, but appstream.po.n isn't yet reachable via HTTP(S), so screenshots will not show up until the server is serving them.
But at least all software centers should contain stuff now :-)

Thanks mak!

It is working for me now!